This page (revision-31) was last changed on 07-Dec-2016 14:14 by HuiLi

This page was created on 18-Sep-2007 12:20 by JianSun

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
31 07-Dec-2016 14:14 4 KB HuiLi to previous
30 02-Oct-2007 14:39 4 KB HuiLi to previous | to last
29 02-Oct-2007 14:33 4 KB HuiLi to previous | to last
28 02-Oct-2007 14:28 4 KB HuiLi to previous | to last
27 02-Oct-2007 13:46 3 KB HuiLi to previous | to last
26 28-Sep-2007 19:29 2 KB KenDere to previous | to last Comment by KenDere
25 21-Sep-2007 16:49 2 KB JianSun to previous | to last
24 21-Sep-2007 16:40 2 KB JianSun to previous | to last
23 19-Sep-2007 06:42 2 KB David R Williams to previous | to last Comment by David R Williams
22 18-Sep-2007 14:46 1 KB JianSun to previous | to last
21 18-Sep-2007 14:45 1 KB JianSun to previous | to last

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Version management

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At line 5 changed 16 lines
20/eis_l0_20070820_170353.fits.gz 122M
21/eis_l0_20070821_000022.fits.gz 118M
21/eis_l0_20070821_133226.fits.gz 117M
22/eis_l0_20070822_023009.fits.gz 116M
23/eis_l0_20070823_191420.fits.gz 94M
24/eis_l0_20070824_001531.fits.gz 92M
24/eis_l0_20070824_105128.fits.gz 120M
25/eis_l0_20070825_015152.fits.gz 99M
25/eis_l0_20070825_050529.fits.gz 95M
25/eis_l0_20070825_093750.fits.gz 89M
26/eis_l0_20070826_005803.fits.gz 97M
26/eis_l0_20070826_055213.fits.gz 92M
27/eis_l0_20070827_045520.fits.gz 97M
27/eis_l0_20070827_170835.fits.gz 81M
27/eis_l0_20070827_210723.fits.gz 79M
28/eis_l0_20070828_005937.fits.gz 72M
20/eis_l0_20070820_170353.fits.gz 122M \\
21/eis_l0_20070821_000022.fits.gz 118M \\
21/eis_l0_20070821_133226.fits.gz 117M \\
22/eis_l0_20070822_023009.fits.gz 116M \\
23/eis_l0_20070823_191420.fits.gz 94M \\
24/eis_l0_20070824_001531.fits.gz 92M \\
24/eis_l0_20070824_105128.fits.gz 120M \\
25/eis_l0_20070825_015152.fits.gz 99M \\
25/eis_l0_20070825_050529.fits.gz 95M \\
25/eis_l0_20070825_093750.fits.gz 89M \\
26/eis_l0_20070826_005803.fits.gz 97M \\
26/eis_l0_20070826_055213.fits.gz 92M \\
27/eis_l0_20070827_045520.fits.gz 97M \\
27/eis_l0_20070827_170835.fits.gz 81M \\
27/eis_l0_20070827_210723.fits.gz 79M \\
28/eis_l0_20070828_005937.fits.gz 72M \\
At line 22 changed one line
These fits files are mostly generated by study "": doing full-ccd scan (often over 80 raster positions).
These fits files are mostly generated by study "": doing full-ccd scan (often over 80 raster positions). The typical error message is: "unable to allocate memory to make array". However, the machine that running "eis_prep" has fairly big enough memory (4GB).
At line 24 changed 2 lines
The typical error message is:
"unable to allocate memory to make array"
Is there any way to do 'eis_prep' with these big fits files?\\
At line 27 removed 3 lines
However, the machine that running "eis_prep" has 4GB memory, which is fairly big.
Is there any way to do 'eis_prep' with these big fits files?