This page (revision-16) was last changed on 07-Dec-2016 14:14 by JianSun

This page was created on 19-Jul-2007 12:47 by LouiseHarra

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
16 07-Dec-2016 14:14 17 KB JianSun to previous
15 10-Nov-2008 10:25 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
14 10-Nov-2008 10:21 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
13 10-Nov-2008 10:21 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
12 10-Nov-2008 10:21 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
11 10-Nov-2008 06:56 17 KB David R Williams to previous | to last
10 07-Nov-2008 10:03 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
9 05-Nov-2008 14:50 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
8 05-Nov-2008 14:49 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
7 05-Nov-2008 14:04 7 KB JianSun to previous | to last
6 05-Nov-2008 14:02 8 KB JianSun to previous | to last
5 05-Nov-2008 12:52 8 KB JianSun to previous | to last
4 05-Nov-2008 12:24 4 KB JianSun to previous | to last
3 05-Nov-2008 12:20 4 KB JianSun to previous | to last
2 19-Jul-2007 13:53 2 KB LouiseHarra to previous | to last
1 19-Jul-2007 12:47 2 KB LouiseHarra to last

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At line 167 changed 9 lines
!!Quicklook tools
; XFILES is used to select data files from data bases. It reads
; data from many data sources. The user can also specify own
; data sources, in which case data-read procedures must be
; provided. XFILES defines the data objects, header objects and
; auxiliary objects and sends them to XDISPLAY. The XDISPLAY
; window is opened when the user selects a data file in XFILES.
__eis_getfilename.pro__: {{{
; A simple routine for turning a file name into an absolute file
; name. The routine looks in three places for the file: the present
; directory, the mission archive and the quick look directory. If
; nothing is passed a widget comes up, but this isn't very useful.
; IDL> file=eis_getfilename('eis_l0_20061202_140632')
; IDL> print,file
; .../eis/mission/2006/12/02/eis_l0_20061202_140632.fits.gz
At line 178 changed 4 lines
__xmap.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XMAP is used to display 2-D (or higher) data. It is a
; widget based program with several options and functions that
; allows data to be displayed in a nukmber of modes.
__eis_help.pro__: {{{
; Instatiates the hw_help object and calls the display_all method to give a
; first introduction to the object help documentation for the eis/hw software.
At line 184 changed 5 lines
__xcontrol.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XCONTROL is the main QL control window. After selecting a file (CCSDS or
; FITS) this windows opens with information about the data, and control
; buttons etc. for the various display methods and data processing
; options available for a particular set of data.
__photons_to_energy.pro__: {{{
; Convert intensity from photons [ph m-2 s-1 sr-1] to energy in SI units
; [W m-2 sr-1]
At line 191 changed 4 lines
__xdetector.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XDETECTOR is used to display 2-D (or higher) data. It is a
; widget based program with several options and functions that
; allows data to be displayed in a nukmber of modes.
__eis_get_compression_factor__: {{{
; PURPOSE: Returns the reciprocal of the latest EIS compression factor
At line 197 removed 22 lines
__xraster.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XRASTER is used to display 3-D spectroscopic data in the form
; of a raster (i.e. intensity[lambda, slit pos, raster pos.].
; One line is displayed as I[lambda, slit pos] with one display window
; for each raster (using !p.multi). If more than one line, these
; are added as extra rows of display windows.
__xwhisker.pro__: calling by only {{{
; xwhisker is used to display 2-D spectroscopic data as whisker plots
; (images). I.e. Intensity[wavelength, y].
; Typically y will be solar_x (for a raster) or
; for sit-and-stare observations it will be time.
__xmoment.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XMOMENT plots mean line profile, and has interactive mouse
; functions to mark where the line is (start/stop pixels) and
; where the continuum is. This information is used by the
; eis_moment__moment program to calulate moments of the line
; profile.