This page (revision-14) was last changed on 27-Nov-2017 16:38 by Peter Young

This page was created on 08-Oct-2013 20:24 by Peter Young

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 27-Nov-2017 16:38 4 KB Peter Young to previous
13 07-Dec-2016 14:14 3 KB ogenopanurequ to previous | to last
12 03-Nov-2016 18:27 5 KB eirjiyu to previous | to last
11 03-Nov-2016 18:26 4 KB ajeekinok to previous | to last
10 01-Nov-2016 16:44 3 KB aipofazakefi to previous | to last
9 29-Oct-2013 21:52 3 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
8 23-Oct-2013 11:33 3 KB Harry Warren to previous | to last
7 21-Oct-2013 12:54 3 KB Harry Warren to previous | to last
6 21-Oct-2013 12:50 2 KB Harry Warren to previous | to last
5 21-Oct-2013 12:40 2 KB Harry Warren to previous | to last
4 21-Oct-2013 12:33 1 KB Harry Warren to previous | to last
3 21-Oct-2013 12:31 1 KB Harry Warren to previous | to last
2 09-Oct-2013 14:47 1 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
1 08-Oct-2013 20:24 1 KB Peter Young to last

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[{ALLOW edit EISMainUsers}]
[{ALLOW view Anonymous}]
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!!Applying the new calibrations to the output from EIS_AUTO_FIT
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If you use the Gaussian fitting routine EIS_AUTO_FIT, then the recommendation is to apply the new calibrations at the EIS_GET_FITDATA stage. For example,
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{{IDL> int=eis_get_fitdata(fitdata,/int,calib=1}}
At line 57 changed one line
will apply the Del Zanna (2013) calibration to the output intensity. The options are:
At line 59 changed 5 lines
0 - the calibration is not changed\\
1 - the Del Zanna (2013) calibration is applied\\
2 - /correct_sensitivity is "undone" and the Del Zanna (2013) calibration is applied\\
3 - the Warren et al. (2014) calibration is applied\\
4 - /correct_sensitivity is "undone" and the Warren et al. (2014) calibration is applied
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To summarize, the steps to be done are:
--[ajeekinok|], 03-Nov-2016 18:26
At line 67 removed 4 lines
* Use EIS_PREP to calibrate the level-0 file with standard options (no /correct_sensitivity).
* Extract the windata structure using EIS_GETWINDATA with the /refill option.
* Perform the Gaussian fit with EIS_AUTO_FIT.
* Extract the intensity array with EIS_GET_FITDATA using the calib option set to 1 or 3 (Del Zanna or Warren).
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At line 62 added one line
--[eirjiyu|], 03-Nov-2016 18:27