This page (revision-8) was last changed on 07-Dec-2016 14:14 by Louise Harra

This page was created on 18-Jun-2007 19:05 by David Pérez-Suárez

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
8 07-Dec-2016 14:14 2 KB Louise Harra to previous Comment by Louise Harra
7 19-Jun-2007 12:16 2 KB JianSun to previous | to last
6 19-Jun-2007 11:35 2 KB JianSun to previous | to last
5 19-Jun-2007 10:02 2 KB ViggoHanst to previous | to last Comment by ViggoHanst
4 19-Jun-2007 09:50 1 KB JianSun to previous | to last
3 19-Jun-2007 09:49 1 KB JianSun to previous | to last
2 19-Jun-2007 09:48 1 KB JianSun to previous | to last
1 18-Jun-2007 19:05 1 KB David Pérez-Suárez to last

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At line 1 removed 2 lines
[{ALLOW edit EISMainUsers}]
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At line 35 changed one line
* The second problem is caused by some typoes. It will be fixed soon.
** The second problem is caused by some typoes. It will be fixed soon.
At line 42 removed 3 lines
Hope this helpful.
At line 46 removed 22 lines
Problem nr 1) "and I cannot find a way to extract from objm the values for the different lines that had been fitted. Any idea to do it? or I should cut the window in sub-windows? or there are any other way to do it (maybe without objects..)? Also, is there any way to see the values of wavelength in the xcfit window?"
Answer: We have not yet written software to deal with multiple lines in a given window, I suggest you extract the relevant window from the object and work directly with xcfit/cfit to fit the lines you need.
Problem nr 2) "Why am I getting one value more than the number of pixels?"
Answer: Yes, this is a bug, the last element should not be included. I have now fixed the method.
--[ViggoHanst|http://null], 19-Jun-2007
Of course you can use 'traditional' methods and once you have your wavelength and intensity simply use a routine like gauss_fit...
--[Louise Harra|http://null], 19-Jun-2007