This page (revision-28) was last changed on 18-Apr-2021 19:17 by PeterYoung

This page was created on 16-Nov-2009 21:50 by PeterYoung

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28 18-Apr-2021 19:17 9 KB PeterYoung to previous
27 08-Jul-2010 16:40 9 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
26 08-Jul-2010 16:17 10 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
25 08-Jul-2010 15:36 10 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
24 08-Jul-2010 01:47 10 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
23 09-Jun-2010 22:14 10 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
22 09-Jun-2010 18:20 8 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
21 07-Jun-2010 21:47 8 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last

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!!!A guide to accessing and analyzing EIS data
[{ALLOW edit EISMainUsers}]
[{ALLOW view Anonymous}]
%%(color:red;)__This page is still under construction. All of the information should be accurate, but some of the links are broken.__%%
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This guide describes how to access, calibrate and derive scientific results from the EIS instrument on Hinode. For a description of EIS and its observing modes please consult the instrument paper, [Culhane et al. (2007)|], and the [MSSL Science Centre webpage|].
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!!!EIS data analysis guide
This guide describes how to access, calibrate and derive scientific results from the EIS instrument on Hinode. For a description of EIS and its observing modes please consult the instrument paper, [Culhane et al. (2007)|], and the [MSSL Science Centre webpage|].
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[MSSL Science Centre (UK)|]\\
[MSSL Science Centre (UK)|]\\
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* [Creating an IDL map from EIS data|EISMaps]
* [Cross-correlating EIS and SOT images|EISSOTcoalign]
* [Cross-correlating EIS and XRT images|EISXRTcoaling]
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!EIS and IDL maps
The set of [IDL map software|] of D. Zarro is a popular means for handling solar image data. The situation is more complicated for EIS than imaging instruments as an image can be an intensity, velocity or line width map. EIS maps are generated from EIS data objects as follows (in the case of a velocity map from Fe XII 195.12):
IDL> obj=obj_new('eis_data', filename)\\
IDL> m=obj_new('eis_moment',obj,iwin=195.12)\\
IDL> mmap=m->mk_eis_map(195.12,/vel)
The output mmap is in the standard format accepted by the map software.
To generate an intensity map use keyword /int and for a line width map use /wid. When the 'eis_moment' object is created (step 2) a widget will pop up allowing you to define the spectral region containing the emission line. Moments are used to generate the velocity and line widths which ensures quick results. You can use Gaussian fitting by giving the additional keyword fit='gauss' in step 2 for the eis_moment call.
!Cross-correlation with SOT and XRT
!Cross-correlation with EIT and TRACE