These are a list of routines that are usful for EIS analysis. If you find others useful let us know and they can be added to the SSW tree. __    :  This routine takes the output from EIS_GETWINDATA and performs a fit
                    over the intensity array, returning values for the intensity, line width
                    and centroid.

__eis_data__getwindata.pro__  : Returns EIS data from a detector window.

__eis_data__getwinheader.pro__: Returns the FITS header for a spectral window

__eis_debias.pro__: Removes the CCD bias from an EIS data window.

__eis_despike.pro__: EIS_DESPIKE is used for de-spiking, i.e. to remove cosmic ray spikes from the pixel data. 

__eis_exposure_times.pro__ : This routine extracts the start times of each exposure in an EIS data object. The times are given in seconds relative to the first exposure.

__eis_find_window.pro__: Given the a header structure for an EIS data-set, this routine checks if the specified wavelength, WVL, is found in the data-set's wavelength windows. If yes, then the index of the wavelength window is returned.

__eis_get_hdr_struc.pro__: This routine extracts selected information from an EIS data header into a structure. The particular fields taken from the header are defined in the file $SSW/hinode/eis/idl/analysis/headcat_tags.txt.

__eis_get_iwin.pro__: To find the data window given the line id or the wavelength.

__eis_get_wininfo.pro__ : To return information on the windows contained in an eis fits file.

__eis_getdata.pro__: EIS_GETDATA is a script to extract data (one, sevceral or all line windows) from a (FITS or CCSDS) data file.

__eis_getlambda.pro__ : get the wavelength range of the CCDs

__eis_getmoments.pro__: EIS_GETMOMENTS is a script to calculate moments from one, several or all spectral line windows from a (fits or CCSDS) data file. 

__eis_getwindata.pro__: Returns EIS data from one spectral window.

__eis_orbit_correction.pro__: Calculates the wavelength vector for each exposure in the EIS data-set, corrected for the orbital variation. 

__eis_orbit_spline_quick.pro__: Represents the orbital variation of EIS line centroids by a spline function with nodes spaced at 5 minute intervals. Returns the value of the centroid at the input times.