!!!EIS Data Processing and Analysis\\

!! Getting started

*[EIS data analysis tutorial|ParisTutorial] (Paris meeting, Nov 2007)

*[EIS Tips (en) @ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) |http://solar-b.nao.ac.jp/hinode_wiki/index.php?EIS%20Tips%20List]

*[EIS Tutorials @ Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)|http://tcrb.nrl.navy.mil/~hwarren/tutorial.html]

*[EIS Data Analysis Guide @ Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL)|http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/SoftGuides.jsp]

*[EIS Spectroscopy analysis tutorial|http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/solaire/mat.php] (on SOLARIE-SODAS, Glasgow June 2009)



*[Data analysis routines|DataAnalysisRoutines]

*[Fitting EIS lines with EIS_MOMENT |EISMomentsObjects]

*[A Wrapper to the EIS Objects (EIS_GETWINDATA) |EISGetWindata]


*[How do I call EIS_PREP?|eis_prep_call]

*[What does EIS_PREP do?|eis_prep]

*[Evaluation of errors in EIS_PREP|EvaluationOfErrorsInEis_prep]

!Gaussian fitting

The document below details software available in the EIS Solarsoft tree for fitting Gaussians to EIS data.

[Gaussian fitting for the Hinode/EIS mission|https://hyperion.nascom.nasa.gov/svn/eis/release/doc/fitting/eis_auto_fit.pdf]

Examples for using the routine eis_auto_fit to automatically fit Gaussians across a raster are given in the document below.

[Gaussian fitting examples using eis_auto_fit|https://hyperion.nascom.nasa.gov/svn/eis/release/doc/fitting/eis_auto_fit_examples.pdf]

!FITS file issues

*[Big EIS FITS files|BigEISFitsFiles]

*[EIS exposure times; the GETEXP() method|EISExposureTimesGetexpMethod]

*[Missing data/missing files|MissingData]

!Search EIS studies

*[EIS study search tool in Solarsoft|EIS_study_search_tool]



!EIS pointing and alignment issues

*[How do I get the most accurate EIS pointing information?|EISPointing]

*[How big is EIS's field of view?|EIS_FOV]

*[EIS Post-Launch FOV|EIS_XFOV]

*[Offset between CCDs in the y direction|CCDOffset]

*[Offset between CCDs in the x direction|CCDOffsetX]

*[EIS pointing stability|PointingStability]

*[Pointing Information in EIS fits files|FitsPointing]

*[Inter-instrument offsets for Hinode|InterInstrumentOffsets]

*[EIS internal coalignment|InterCo]

*[Grating tilt (spectrum rotation) and effect on line ratios|SpectralTilt]

*[Co-alignment of EIS to magnetograms]

!Slits & Slots

*[Slit “Focus”|SlitFocus]

*[Grating focus|gratingFocus]

*[The tilt of the EIS slit|TiltOfEISslit]

*[2" EIS Slit|2EISSlit]

*[Diagnostics with the slot|SlotDiagnostics]


*[Hot pixels|HotPixels]

*[Warm Pixels|EisWarmPixelsPage]

*[Removing cosmic rays|CosmicRays]

*[Top and bottom of hot/warm pixels maps|TopBottomHotWarmMaps]

*[How do hot and warm pixels affect line fitting?|WarmPixelStudy]

!Spatial Resolution

*[Estimating spatial resolution using observed features|TRbrightenings]

!JPEG Compression and EIS Spectral Line Profiles

*[The Impact of JPEG Compression on EIS Spectral Data |EISJPEG]

!Wavelength Scale

*[What's the "orbital variation of line position" about?|OrbitalVariationLinePosition]



*[EIS_CAT and the EIS Science Data Catalog|EISDBTop]

*[How can I see where EIS was observing? Try the EIS Mapper @ GMU|where_EIS_was_observing]

*[The Complete List of EIS Studies|Complete_List_Of_EIS_Studies]

*Suguru Kamio has uploaded an [EIS spectral atlas|eis_atlas.pdf], using data from Charlie Brown's line list paper. Best suited to A0 paper, but readable as a PDF. \\Other resource of EIS Spectral Atlases can be found [here|http://solar.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/ralsolphys/eis_ral.html] or directly access a few PS file: [Active region|http://solar.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/%7Eyoung/solarb_eis/atlas/eis_spec2.ps];   [Quiet Sun|http://solar.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/%7Eyoung/solarb_eis/atlas/eis_qs_spectrum.ps];   [Flare|http://solar.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/%7Eyoung/solarb_eis/atlas/flare_spec.ps]
