!!!Important dates during the EIS mission

!!X-band antenna failure (Feb 2008)

The failure of the X-band antenna is the single most significant event
to affect EIS during the course of the mission. Problems first began
towards the end of December 2007, with intermittent glitches for two
months. The new era of S-band antenna observing began in February
2008. The transmission rate of the S-band antenna is 16 times lower
than the X-band antenna, however additional downlink resources were
secured .

During the X-band era, EIS would typically observe the entire day and
the average date rate was typically 50 kbits/s. For the S-band era,
daily data rates are typically about 6 kbits/s and a consequence is
that EIS would generally not observe for 24 hours per day, instead
focusing on shorter periods for which higher data rate studies could
be run.

!!Less frequent planning (Mar 2008, Dec 2014)

A consequence of the X-band failure is that Hinode planning switched from daily (Mon-Sat, with Sunday off) to three times a week (uploads on Tue, Thu & Sat). This impacted the ability to observe transient events, particularly flares.

In an effort to cut operations costs, "focused mode" operations began in December 2014. For these an entire 7-day plan is loaded on Saturdays. This only occurs during the Hinode and IRIS eclipse seasons (approx April-August and Oct-Feb, respectively), and only for selected weeks. 

!!Grating mechanism adjustment (24 Aug 2008)

An unusual effect in the early EIS data was a [spatial offset in the X-direction|CCDOffsetX] between the SW and LW channels of 2 arcsec
. This was mostly fixed with an adjustment of the grating position on 24 Aug 2008.

!!Regular spectral atlases (May 2010)

EIS has a weekly synoptic program that takes full CCD spectral atlases on different solar features. Usually the study is Atlas_30, Atlas_60 or Atlas_120 (the number denotes duration in minutes). These did not begin until 17 May 2010, however, so atlases prior to this date are sporadic.

!!Pointing improvements (2014)

For many years the EIS pointing was often not accurate, with the
actual pointing being discrepant with the planned pointing by amounts
of 5-30 arcsec. The worst examples were during the middle of the
eclipse season (June-July) where the Y-offset could be up to
35 arcsec. With the launch of IRIS in 2013 efforts were made to
improve this situation. An EIS-AIA alignment program was set up so
that each day a large 40 arcsec slot raster was taken that could be
co-aligned with AIA images. This allowed the team to be able to track
the offsets with time, and demonstrated that the offsets vary in a
regular pattern over the year. EIS planners from about 2014 onwards
now make use of these offsets during planning and the actual pointings
now agree very well with planned pointings (typically < 5 arcsec).

You can obtain accurate EIS coordinates prior to 2014 by following the method described in the [EIS pointing section|EISPointing]. The important point is that if EIS was coordinating with another instrument/observatory then there may be an unexpected offset in their relative positions as the EIS pointing offset wasn't accounted for during planning.

!!SOT filtergraph failure (Mar 2017)

In March 2017 the SOT filtergraph failed and a consequence was that
EIS and XRT were given increased data recorder allocations of 23% (up from 15%).

!!A brush with death (2018)

EIS obtained no observations for over 4 months between January and May. The instrument shut down during a bakeout in January 2018, and the last raster began at 10:25 on 17 January. EIS was recovered, however, and science observations resumed with a raster at 07:39 on 25 May. No changes to the data quality were noticed after the recovery.