
!!Horizontal ruler:\\
gives you:

!!Paragraphs are delimitted by a blank line.
{{{This is Paragraph 1

This is Paragraph 2
gives you:

This is Paragraph 1

This is Paragraph 2


!!Forced Line Break: 
{{{This is first line,\\this is second line!}}}

gives you:

This is first line,\\this is second line!


{{{[Main] , [http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk], [GeneralEditSkills:Monospaced text]}}}
gives you:

[Main] , [http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk], [GeneralEditSkills:Monospaced text]\\

gives you:

!!Text with a hyperlink
{{{[MSSL Homepage|http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk]}}}
gives you:

[MSSL Homepage|http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk]

!!Section headers: have ! in the first column:
gives you:



!!Bulleted lists have * in the first column:\\
(Use more ** for deeper indentations)
* Item one
** Item two
* Item three}}}
gives you:

* Item one
** Item two
* Item three

!!Numbered lists have #, ## etc.\\
(You can mix * and # too.)
# NRL}}}
gives you:

!!Monospaced text:
{{{ {{monospaced text with wiki markup}} }}}
gives you:

{{monospaced text with wiki markup }}
!!Code blocks: Use triple {‘s to open, and triple }‘s to close code blocks, wiki markup is not rendered.
{{{ {{{ this is code block! ~}}} }}}
gives you:

{{{this is code block!}}}
!!Text decorations:\\
{{{__bold__}}} gives you:  __bold__\\
{{{''italic''}}} gives you:  ''italic''\\

!!Text CSS Styles\\
start: {{{%%css-class}}} or {{{%%(css-style)}}}\\
end: {{{%%}}} or {{{/%}}} or {{{%~<space> }}}\\


{{%~%small text %~%}} renders as %%small text %% \\{{%~%sub subscript %~%}} like in a%%sub ij %%= a%%sub ji%%\\{{%~%sup superscript %~%}} like in 2%%sup 3 %%= 8\\{{%~%strike strikethrough %~%}} renders as %%strike strikethrough %%\\{{%~%center ... %~%}} for centered text \\{{%~%invisible ... %~%}} to hide parts of a page\\

your own customed css style:
Hello, world!
gives you:
Hello, world!
!!Definition List, with ; in first column:
{{{;__Construct__:"Something you use to do something with"}}}
gives you:

;__Construct__:"Something you use to do something with"
!!Indented comment:
{{{;:This is indented comment}}}
gives you:

;:This is indented comment


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