!!!Inter-instrument Offsets on Hinode

!! EIS to SOT

[Ken Dere|~KenDere] asked a fairly important question (commend moved here from [DataProAnalysis] ) :

''Alignment vs. FPP and XRT.
It is not too difficult to align EIS against XRT but it is more difficult agains FPP. Does anyone have a rough off set in the pointing of EIS vs FPP?
--[KenDere|http://null], 12-Oct-2007''

The rough number that we use here is that EIS's FOV centre is 50" below SOT's centre (assuming that they don't offset internally, though perhaps this is carried through their FITS files, as ours should be).

We assume that the telescope FOVs are co-centred in X.

--[Dave|DaveWilliams], 15-Oct-2007

!! EIS to XRT
