[{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/Hinode_banner_s.png' align='center' alt='Hinode/EIS banner' link='http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/'}]

!!!Welcome to Hinode/EIS Wiki !

This Wiki website is built on [JSPWiki|About], which holds EIS documentation written by EIS developers and core users. EIS Wiki are primarily for use by the EIS team, but also provide a effective platform for intercations between EIS team member and solar physics community. Since any user can make contribution to EIS Wiki page, the Wiki will get better and better with more users and contributors. If you find an error on a Wiki page, edit it yourself and make it better.

!Quick start

* For testing things, try the [SandBox].
* For a quick look on what Wiki is, check out [OneMinuteWiki].
* For a guideline on good working habits with wiki, see [WikiEtiquette].
* For instruction of how to write wiki page, see [EditPageHelp]

!Installation issues

* If you run Microsoft Windows, then probably you want to take a look
  at [WindowsInstall] for more tips.

!Full documentation

* For all of the Wiki markup features, see [TextFormattingRules].
* The [WikiRPCInterface] might interest you if you're into scripting.
* [WikiAttachments] - very useful things.
* [WikiVariables] - putting things on top of other things.
* [JSPWikiPlugins] - The documentation on plugins.
* [JSPWikiFAQ] - A list of some frequently asked questions.
* [JSPWikiTags] - A list of tags for those who want to make their own [WikiTemplates].
* [MultipleWikis] - If you want to run multiple Wikis using the least amount of effort.
* [Page aliases] and redirecting.
* [PageFilters] - for more complex processing.
* [WikiForms] - for putting interactivity in your pages
* [URLConstructors] - for constructing your URLs.


* [JSPWikiTips] may help you a bit.
* To see what this particular wiki is about, click on the Wiki name
  on the top left corner of the browser window, or [click here|SystemInfo].

Good luck, and thanks for choosing JSPWiki!

--[Janne Jalkanen|mailto:jalkanen+jspwiki@ecyrd.com].