!!This is EIS Planning & Operations page.\\
All related materials go here, thanks.

[Study Submission Requirments|Newstudies]

[How to get your observations run|PlanningObservations]

[How to understand what's inside an EIS Study using EIS_XSTUDY|EisXstudy]

[Eclipse seasons|EclipseSeason]

[Requesting XRT support|XRT support]

[Remote planning with EIS|RemotePlanning]

[Recommended studies|RecommendedStudies]

[Searching for studies]

[EIS Data Compression Factor|CompressionFactorStudy]

[New number of EIS DC Factor|NewNumberForEISDC]

[EIS studies under the low data-volume restriction|Study4LowDataVolume]

[EIS Weekly Observing Summary|EISWeeklyObservingSummary]