
There are a few big EIS fits files which are not easy to be processed by "eis_prep", for example:

20/eis_l0_20070820_170353.fits.gz    122M \\
*Click here to show more fits files
**21/eis_l0_20070821_000022.fits.gz    118M \\
**21/eis_l0_20070821_133226.fits.gz    117M \\
**22/eis_l0_20070822_023009.fits.gz    116M \\
**23/eis_l0_20070823_191420.fits.gz    94M  \\
**24/eis_l0_20070824_001531.fits.gz    92M  \\
**24/eis_l0_20070824_105128.fits.gz    120M \\
**25/eis_l0_20070825_015152.fits.gz    99M  \\
**25/eis_l0_20070825_050529.fits.gz    95M  \\
**25/eis_l0_20070825_093750.fits.gz    89M  \\
**26/eis_l0_20070826_005803.fits.gz    97M  \\
**26/eis_l0_20070826_055213.fits.gz    92M  \\
**27/eis_l0_20070827_045520.fits.gz    97M  \\
**27/eis_l0_20070827_170835.fits.gz    81M  \\
**27/eis_l0_20070827_210723.fits.gz    79M  \\
**28/eis_l0_20070828_005937.fits.gz    72M  \\

These fits files are mostly generated by study "": doing "full-ccd" scan (with often over 80 raster positions). 

The typical error message is: "unable to allocate memory to make array". However, the machine that running "eis_prep" has fairly big enough memory (4GB). One way to let "eis_prep" keep running is to do only DC-removal and ABS calibration, not to do CR and HP removal.

#Is there any way to do 'eis_prep' with these big fits files? Or,\\

##Do we need to suggest that normally do not use full-ccd scan with too many raster postions?
