!!This is EIS Data Processing and Analysis page.\\ All related materials go here, thanks. \\ ---- *[Data analysis routines|DataAnalysisRoutines] *[The tilt of the EIS slit|TiltOfEISslit] *[Offset between CCDs in the y direction|CCDOffset] *[Offset between CCDs in the x direction|CCDOffsetX] *[Orbital variation of line position|OrbitalVariationLinePosition] *[Hot pixels|HotPixels] *[EIS_CAT and the EIS Science Data Catalog|EISDBTop] *[Removing cosmic rays|CosmicRays] *[EIS pointing stability|PointingStability] *[Fitting EIS lines with eis_moment|EISMomentsObjects] *[A Wrapper to the EIS Objects (eis_getwindata) |EISGetWindata] *[Where EIS was observing|where_EIS_was_observing] *[Complete List Of EIS Studies?|Complete_List_Of_EIS_Studies] *[Line width variation studies by EIS?|Line_width_variation_studies_by_EIS] *[Warm Pixels|EisWarmPixelsPage] *[2" EIS Slit|2EISSlit] *[Big EIS fits files|BigEISFitsFiles] *[Pointing Information in EIS fits files|FitsPointing] *[EIS internal coalignment?|InterCo] *[Inter-instrument offsets for Hinode|InterInstrumentOffsets] *[Absolute Calibaration and /NOABS Keyword] %%(text-align:justify;) We have run 40 " slot time-series data. Once we run the eis_prep with /noabs keyword then we get the Intensity in 'DN' units. While, when we run the same with absolute calibaration (without /noabs keyword), we get the intensity in absolute cgs unit.However, this is surprising that when we are plotting intensities with time, we are getting the different patterns of variations in the above mentioned two cases. This is affecting our further analysis and also confuses which one we have to choose. Either DNs one or absolute one ?? !!!! Why they are giving different pattern?. There should only be the difference in magnitude. why the pattern is also varying. Which one we have to choose for our further analysis ? Is it here any problem with absolute calibaration of EIS ? Please suggest !%% --[A.K. Srivastava] ---- Other EIS data analysis help source: *[EIS Tips (en) @ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) |http://solar-b.nao.ac.jp/hinode_wiki/index.php?EIS%20Tips%20List] *[EIS Tutorials @ Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)|http://tcrb.nrl.navy.mil/~hwarren/tutorial.html] *[EIS Data Analysis Guide @ Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL)|http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/SoftGuides.jsp] ----