!!This is EIS Data Processing and Analysis page.\\ All related materials go here, thanks. \\ ---- *[Data analysis routines|DataAnalysisRoutines] *[The tilt of the EIS slit|TiltOfEISslit] *[Offset between CCDs in the y direction|CCDOffset] *[Offset between CCDs in the x direction|CCDOffsetX] *[Orbital variation of line position|OrbitalVariationLinePosition] *[Hot pixels|HotPixels] *[EIS_CAT and the EIS Science Data Catalog|EISDBTop] *[Removing cosmic rays|CosmicRays] *[EIS pointing stability|PointingStability] *[Fitting EIS lines with eis_moment|EISMomentsObjects] *[A Wrapper to the EIS Objects (eis_getwindata) |EISGetWindata] *[Where EIS was observing|where_EIS_was_observing] *[Complete List Of EIS Studies?|Complete_List_Of_EIS_Studies] *[Line width variation studies by EIS?|Line_width_variation_studies_by_EIS] *[Warm Pixels|EisWarmPixelsPage] *[2" EIS Slit|2EISSlit] *[Big EIS fits files|BigEISFitsFiles] *[Pointing Information in EIS fits files|FitsPointing] *[EIS internal coalignment?|InterCo] *[Inter-instrument offsets for Hinode|InterInstrumentOffsets] *[EIS data analysis tutorial|ParisTutorial] *[EIS exposure times; getexp() method] ---- Other EIS data analysis help source: *[EIS Tips (en) @ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) |http://solar-b.nao.ac.jp/hinode_wiki/index.php?EIS%20Tips%20List] *[EIS Tutorials @ Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)|http://tcrb.nrl.navy.mil/~hwarren/tutorial.html] *[EIS Data Analysis Guide @ Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL)|http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/SoftGuides.jsp] ----