[{ALLOW view jsun,ms2,DaveWilliams,LouiseHarra}] [{ALLOW edit jsun,ms2,DaveWilliams,LouiseHarra}] \\ !! Order-zero image (FeXII 195A) Use TRACE data: {{tri20080107.0600}} ''(reversed color table)'' [{Image src='images/eis40/tracemap_ori.png'}] !! Order-plus image (FeXII 195A) Use EIS data: {{eis_l0_20080107_062226.fits.gz}} ''(reversed color table)'' ''40" slot, 15 scans, time duration: roughly 6 minutes'' [{Image src='images/eis40/eismap_ori.png'}] !! EIS and TRACE Image alignment * Define common Field of View (FOV) for both TRACE and EIS image (FeXII line) - illustrated by dash box. [{Image src='images/eis40/tracemap_ori_FOV.png'}] [{Image src='images/eis40/eismap_ori_FOV.png'}] * After alignment, the order-zero and order-plus images are as follows: __{{Order-0}}__ ''(reversed color table)''\\ [{Image src='images/eis40/zero.png'}] __{{Order-1}}__ ''(reversed color table)''\\ [{Image src='images/eis40/plus.png'}] !! Deconvolution results * Recontructed velocity map (full FOV) [{Image src='images/eis40/recon_int_vel.png'}] EIS did 1" scanning 6 hours before the 40" slot obervation, which covering the small FOV of the 40" slot-scan image - illustrated by dash box. [{Image src='images/eis40/zero_FOV.png'}] The deconvolution is also applied to this small FOV of the image. * Recontructed Velocity map (small FOV) [{Image src='images/eis40/recon_int_vel_FOV.png'}] * Compared with the velocity map (FeXII 195A line) obtained from the EIS data (small FOV): \\ Use EIS data: {{eis_l0_20080107_002701.fits.gz}} ''1" scan, 256 position, time duration: roughly 80 minutes [{Image src='images/eis40/compare_eis_hist_FOV.png'}] !! Discussions