[{TableOfContents}] !!Horizontal ruler:\\ {{{----}}} gives you: ---- !!Paragraphs are delimitted by a blank line. {{{This is Paragraph 1 This is Paragraph 2 }}} gives you: This is Paragraph 1 This is Paragraph 2 ---- !!Forced Line Break: {{{This is first line,\\this is second line!}}} gives you: This is first line,\\this is second line! ---- !!Hyperlinks {{{[~Main] , [http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk], [~GeneralEditSkills#~]}}} gives you: [~Main] , [http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk], [~GeneralEditSkills#~]\\ however,\\ {{{[[link]}}} gives you: [[link] ---- !!Text with a hyperlink {{{[MSSL Homepage|http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk]}}} gives you: [MSSL Homepage|http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk] ---- !!Section headers: have ! in the first column: {{{!small !!medium !!!large}}} gives you: !small !!medium !!!large ---- !!Bulleted lists have * in the first column:\\ (Use more ** for deeper indentations) {{{ * Item one ** Item two * Item three}}} gives you: * Item one ** Item two * Item three ---- !!Numbered lists have #, ## etc.\\ (You can mix * and # too.) {{{ # MSSL # NAOJ # NRL}}} gives you: # MSSL # NAOJ # NRL ---- !!Monospaced text: {{{ {{monospaced text with wiki markup}} }}} gives you: {{monospaced text with wiki markup }} ---- !!Code blocks: Use triple {‘s to open, and triple }‘s to close code blocks, wiki markup is not rendered. {{{ {{{ this is code block! }}} gives you: {{{this is code block!}}} ---- !!Text decorations:\\ {{{__bold__}}} gives you: __bold__\\ {{{''italic''}}} gives you: ''italic''\\ !!Text CSS Styles\\ start: {{{%%css-class}}} or {{{%%(css-style)}}}\\ end: {{{%%}}} or {{{/%}}} or {{{%~<space> }}}\\ examples:\\ {{%~%small text %~%}} renders as %%small text %% \\{{%~%sub subscript %~%}} like in a%%sub ij %%= a%%sub ji%%\\{{%~%sup superscript %~%}} like in 2%%sup 3 %%= 8\\{{%~%strike strikethrough %~%}} renders as %%strike strikethrough %%\\{{%~%center ... %~%}} for centered text \\{{%~%invisible ... %~%}} to hide parts of a page\\ your own customed css style: {{{%%(font-size:150%;color:red;) Hello, world! %%}}} gives you: %%(font-size:150%;color:red;) Hello, world! %% ---- !!Definition List, with ; in first column: {{{;__Construct__:"Something you use to do something with"}}} gives you: ;__Construct__:"Something you use to do something with" ---- !!Indented comment: {{{;:This is indented comment}}} gives you: ;:This is indented comment \\ ---- Go back to [DontTellMeShowMe]