After calibrating the data with eis_prep we are now ready to read the data into IDL. Setting:
(NOTE: you may need to add the path name, depending on where the file is located.)
To read an EIS FITS file from the command line, type:
IDL> data=obj_new(‘eis_data’,filename)
data is an IDL object. You can extract information from the object using various methods. E.g.,
IDL> exp=data->getexp() IDL> xpos=data->getxpos() IDL> wd0=data->getvar(0)
wd0 is a 3D array containing the window data for the specified window (0 in this case). You can get a list of all methods by doing:
IDL> data->display_methods
To extract the header into a string array, do:
IDL> hdr_obj=data->gethdr()\\ IDL> text=hdr_obj->getbte_hdr()
A number of useful header tags can be sent to a structure by doing:
IDL> eis_get_hdr_struc,data,hdrstr
To find which wavelength windows are contained in data, do:
IDL> wininfo=eis_get_wininfo(filename,/list)
IDL> aux_data=data->getaux_data() IDL> exptimes=data->sec_from_obs_start(*(aux_data.ti_1)) IDL> xpos=data->getxpos()
work out in which direction EIS rasters (east-west, or west-east).