Since the transition to stable operations under the S-band antenna, typical OP Period durations have been two or three days.
Once solar activity begins to increase, and solar unpredictability increases accordingly, Hinode may consider more frequent (i.e., one-day-long) OP Periods.
To avoid observing during the stabilisation of pointing, EIS observations normally start at least two minutes after a satellite re-point.
To see what an Hinode re-pointing schedule looks like, take a look at an example on the Hinode Daily Operations website here
As of 2009, JAXA ephemeris calculations for Hinode included the calculation of nominal EUV and X-ray night (known as XTW). The duration of these is approximately 30 minutes at the peak of eclipse season (2009). This is calculated from a static model, and so doesn't take into account expansion of the ionosphere with increased solar activity, which would lengthen these obscuration periods.
For some more information, see the notes on EclipseEffects.
Additionally, because the SAA rotates with the Earth — whereas the orbit of Hinode does not — the phase of Hinode's orbit at which each SAA event occurs varies.
However, around 12 UT, Hinode experiences a so-called Golden Period where the SAA itself does not intercept the s/c orbit. Because the SAA passes vary in time, the start of this period can range (approximately) from 10 to 11 UT, with the end being anywhere from 14 to 16 UT.
The EIS team use a rule of thumb that a 5-minute buffer around SAA events is sufficient to account for the variability in size of the anomaly itself.
N.B. the old restriction of not changing slit/slot choice during an SAA pass is no longer relevant, following an on-board software update in August 2007
As a result, at many times of day, the less-than-complete overlap of SAA and night means that the clear window for observing in such orbits can be shorter. From 2009, EUV Night event were calculated for Hinode's orbit. So taking into account the buffers (summarised below) around orbital events, we can recalculate the distribution of clear observing windows from the middle of eclipse season in 2009.
The histograms below show a distribution of these windows' length over a three-day sample. There are two distinct populations (ignore the very short windows at the far left: these are due to vanishingly small SAA events that occur shortly after larger events).
The main population follows a distribution ranging from 44 to 62 minutes, with a mode and median of around 53 minutes in length. The second population is on the far right, and corresponds to observing windows in the Golden Period where there are no SAAs, and these windows are 65 minutes long.
The sum of all this means that if you want to be of a single raster or study fitting in between eclipses, it needs to be no more than 44 minutes long (the minimum window length). However, if you are happy accepting some curtailment of the raster at one or both ends outside the Golden Period, in order to make full use of those windows that fall inside the Golden Period, then you might design a study to have maximum 65 minutes' duration. It is a gamble, obviously, because they aren't so well suited to the majority of the observing day, and cause difficulties in forecasting the telemetry that will be accumulated because images will be taken when EIS can't see the Sun.
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The table below summarises the time buffers recommended to separate observations from the corresponding events.
Event | Buffer |
Re-point | 2 minutes after |
SAA_ENTRY | 5 minutes before |
SAA_EXIT | 5 minutes after |
XTW_ENTRY | 2 minutes before |
XTW_EXIT | 2 minutes after |
Please note that as of late 2008, the planning tool has a "SHOW OBEV WINDOWS" feature that factors in these buffers. This feature is shown in the screenshot below
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For the most recent daily allocations, you should visit the Hinode Daily Events webpages, where operations are documented, and check the typical allocation for EIS over the last few weeks. (Remember to halve this number to get a rough idea of the volume you should limit yourself to).
Go over to the Study4LowDataVolume page on this Wiki for examples of programmes recently developed for EIS.
We warmly encourage you to use Hinode in achieving your scientific objectives.
The ISAS Hinode Operations website has a link to a new section on Guidance for Hinode Observations
, which is worth reading through in preparation for making a proposal.
For background on the switch from X-band to S-band telemetering of data by Hinode, take a look at the Hinode Science Schedule Co-ordinators' announcement, first released in SolarNews.
Eighteen months of post-commisioning experience has given the Hinode team time to work out the kind of information and lead time that proposers and team personnel need in order to run observations successfully. So now, this information has been made available as ''Guidance for proposal observations (HOP)'' on the ISAS Hinode website.
[2]: Remember, Mb stands for megabits (1024 × 1024 bits), as distinct from MB (for megabytes). 1 MB = 8Mb.
[3]: Is this correct? I know it's approximately true, since we start in late April, and come out of eclipse season in early September.
[]: Hinode's orbital period is 98.5 minutes