
__Week beginning 7th June 2008__

As of 4th June 012:46 UT (EIT 195) there are essentially no ARs on the disc. Overall activity remains below GOES A. STEREO B shows N- and S-polar CHs and there are also on-disc holes. The weekly EIS summary starts Saturday but there are discussions underway to better align the start with the mission planning process and the CO cycle.

0_a. Run SYNOP005_A at Sun-centre during each XRT SYNOP

0_b. Run SYNOP006 weekly if possible but still useful at longer intervals

0_c. Run SYNOP006 on 9th June (11:00 UT to 14:30 UT) to participate in SOHO/STEREO Intercalibration programme


1.  Polar Coronal Hole Observation – Harra, Gabriel

       - EIS should be pointed to include the boundary of the coronal hole and the limb \\
       - Obtain velocity maps of million degree plasma\\
       - request Ca II from SOT and the normal polar dynamics study from XRT.\\
       - 1" slit scan, FOV 140"x256", 45sec exp time; DPCM for line profile precision\\
       - run JS_CH_140x256p; data volume: 77295 kBits, run time: 1h55m13s\\
       - Note 1: run regcal 071 and regcal 072 before running this study\\
       - Note 2: ideally this study should run e.g. 2 or 3 times consecutively\\
       - please inform proposers in advance when study run is planned; SOHO co-ordination necessary (lkh@mssl.ucl.ac.uk, alan.gabriel@ias.u-psud.fr)


2. Quiet sun dynamics study - Muglach

      - run studies in the order: three times (a) - n times (b) – three times (a)\\
      - a) Study: quiet_sun_slot (#210); 40x512 slot image as context\\
      - three images should be taken before and after program b)\\
      - b) Study: qs-dynamics-small (#245)\\
      - run in areas of quiet Sun, plage and moderately active regions e.g AR 10993 \\
      - slit should at least be partially on the disk\\
      - avoid large, well developed ARs and coronal holes \\
      - study observes small-scale short-term variation of QS structures in cool EIS lines.\\
      - repeat n times to fit into available data volume; at least for 30 min\\
      - EXPOSURE: 20s, RASTER: Scanning, 4 steps, SLIT: 2", STEP: 2" FOV: 10"x464"\\
      - if n = 15 for (b), data volume is 110 Mbits; run (b) longer if volume available\\

 Co-observing: - SOT:

        1) magnetograms in either Fe I or Na I, in 60s cadence (or less if telemetry allows). SOT should start its observations at least 15 min before EIS and continue at least another 15 min after end of EIS observing.\\
        2) SP scans of the target regions valuable additions but lower priority than 1.\\
        3) BFI images in G-Band can be added; lower priority than 1 and 2.\\
      - XRT: filtergrams in the thinnest filter(s)


3. QS Brightenings – Bewsher (d.bewsher@rl.ac.uk), Young (p.r.young@rl.ac.uk)

       - EIS to point at quiet Sun region near disk centre\\
       - run following studies:\\
	- PRY_slot_context_v2 (dur: 3min; vol: 3 Mbit) once at start of observation\\
	- tr_bright_lo (dur: 6min; vol: 1.5 Mbit) repeatedly to fill available time slot\\
	- PRY_slot_context_v2 again, once at end of observation\\
       - run tr_bright_lo for minimum of 4h; longer if possible\\
       - request SOT and XRT to observe EIS FoV: 20” x 144”\\


4. Coronal Hole Density Measurement – Young

       - polar or equatorial CH\\
       - select pointing based on EIT 195 images; choose darkest part of CH\
       - accurate warm pixel removal essential for CH data\
       - run REGCAL071 and REGCAL072 on the same day; also context study\\
       - study sequence is: 
REGCAL071 \\

- Note 1: repeat PRY_slot_context_v2 to fill the available time slot; vol: 20 Mbit; data rate: 5.2 kbps\\
- Note 2: for large dark CH areas, stitch two or more repeats of PRY_CH_density\\


5. Test of QS study for later limb-to-limb observation - Feldman

      - spectral atlas for future tracking of QS region as it crosses disc\\
      - test before commitment to full observation\\
      - QS or CH target preferred but could be run on weak AR\\
      - run FELDMAN_QSCH_ATLASv1; Study ID # 272\\
      - data volume: 140 Mbits; Slit: 2”; Step: 2”;  Positions: 30; Exposure: 120s\\


__Week beginning 7th June and beyond__

       - continue with variants of the above programme\\
       - prepare for data compression test studies\\
       - prepare for grating focus tests\\

5.  Loop morphology and oscillations - de Moortel (ineke@mcs.st-and.ac.uk), Bewsher (d.bewsher@rl.ac.uk), Young (p.r.young@rl.ac.uk)\\

      - relatively quiescent (non-flaring) coronal loop system either on disk or limb.\\
      - point to loops in the active region.\\
      - run PRY_footpoints_lite (dur: 28min; vol: 55 Mbit), sta_loop_slot_lo (dur: 39min; vol: 22 Mbit).\\
      - study sequence is: \\
PRY_footpoints_lite once at beginning of a period\\
sta_loop_slot_lo at the same pointing\\
repeat sta_loop_slot_lo to fill available time slot.\\
        - run on East limb AR; advise schedule to de Moortel\\