EIS Team Science Meeting Agenda#
18th March
This page refers to one day of a closed meeting of the EIS consortium
I'd like the team to discuss the agenda here. Add comments with your name included (that's a courtesy to the others -- I'll still be able to tell who wrote what).
Report from Technical Splinter Meeting (previous day)#
Expect to hear reports on things like...
Calibration updates#
Remote Operations#
- Remote Planning
- Interactions
Study-creation in the S-band Era#
What we’ve learned to date:#
- Prospects
- Problems
- Experiences
How do we address observing challenging targets like flares?#
This is a particularly interesting problem.
EIS Science Results#
Talks should put special emphasis on unsolved components in the context of what they talk about, and how they can be addressed using all three instruments on
Are these categories now out-dated? Should we organise talks differently?
Quiet Sun#
Active Regions#
Coronal Holes#
Science with other, non-Hinode instruments#
- We've had many campaigns with SUMER;
- CDS routinely follows EIS's pointing;
- TRACE will routinely follow the most active target on the Sun (as declared by Max Millennium
's CO), while Hinode often does the same;
- there have been several high-profile mutli-instrument campaigns, such as the WHI
campaign in 2008
- large numbers of HOPs have had a ground-based observatory component
What projects are under-way with these multi-instrument observations that couldn't otherwise be tackled?
Communicating Science#
Analysis Software#
State of reduction package#
Useful additional software#
- Descriptions
- Demonstrations
The EIS Wiki is our public face for information
Changes made since last year#
How to increase participation#
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