!!This is EIS Wiki User Guides page.\\ All related materials go here, thanks.\\ ---- %%center !! General Information%% * Anyone (including anonymous user) can make comments on EISWiki. To start, just click __Comment?__ link on the page. %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_5.png'}] %% * However, only registered user can __Edit__ EISWIki , and user needs to login first before doing that. \\ \\ %%center!! Question: How to register with EISWiki?%% ! Register your user account on EISWiki 1. click __Log in__ link on the top-right of __Main__ page %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_1.png'}] %% 2. click __Register with EISWiki now!__ %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_2.png'}] %% 3. input the information needed in the box and click * [Login name|]: your account name. * [Set password|]: please choose one and keep it known only by yourself. The password should be easy to remember as there is no way to recover your password later, if you forget it. * [Wiki name|]: the name appeared on the page after user login. * [Full name|]: your full name. * [E-mail address|]: leave your valid email address here for recovering your password. %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_3.png'}] %% * click __Create Your Profile__ button to register 4. once your registration finish successfully, then you can go to __Login__ page to login.\\ %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_6.png'}] %% * input your [Login name|] and [password|] and click __login__ button 5. After logged in, the __Edit__ will appear as a link on the page, click it to start editing EISWiki page %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_4.png'}] %% \\ %%center !! Question: How to edit EIS Wiki page?%% 1. click __Edit__ link on the page, you will see the page edit-box %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_edit_a.png'}] %% 2. There are 4 tabs and 3 buttons helping you to edit page. %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_edit4.png'}] %% 3. Click __Edit__ tab, you can ddit page contents in __Edit-box__\\ Three buttons:\\ "Save": save your work to the page.\\ "Preview": preview the page before you save it\\ "Cancel": cancel your work. No changes will be made to the page %%collapsebox-closed !screenshot: [{Image src='images/eiswikiIMG/userguide_edit9.png'}] %% \\ warning: * using 'Cancel' button rather than your browser's __Back__ button to leave __Edit__ page, if you don't want to save your work to the page! * When you are trying to edit the page which is being edited by someone else, you will meet a warning message to tell you that the page currently has been "__locked__". Don't worry, just take a break to have a cup of tean and come back to continue. The maximum locking time is 1 hour.