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EIS Team Science Meeting Agenda#

18th March

This page refers to one day of a closed meeting of the EIS consortium

1 Technical#

1.1 Report from Technical Splinter Meeting (previous day)#

1.2 Analysis Software#

1.2.1 Status of the reduction package#

1.2.2 Useful additional software#

(With descriptions or demonstrations)


10:40 to 11:00

1.3 Choosing data#

There are huge volumes of EIS data, but it would be good to have a discussion on how to go about accessing the kind of data you're looking for.

2 Science#

2.1 EIS Science Achievements#

Each national PI will give their perspective on the scientific achievements of EIS in its first 2.5 years. These are personal perspectives on where we stand on two things:
  1. phenomena and scientific issues that were known before launch
  2. the discoveries Hinode has made with EIS
( they won't necessarily agree :-) )


12:30 to 13:30

2.2 EIS Science Results#

Talks should put special emphasis on unsolved components in the context of what they talk about, and how they can be addressed using all three instruments on Hinode.

15 minutes per presentation is the guideline until I know how many talks there will be.
(Hint: I’m leaving ISAS next week(!), so please get me your title before evening JST on Thursday 5th March, or you might not get a fair slot.)

2.2.1 Active Regions#

2.2.2 Flares#

2.3 Analysis Techniques#

Afternoon Tea#

15:10 to 15:40

2.3 Analysis Techniques (continued)#

2.4 Observing Techniques & Strategies#

What we’ve learned to date on observing with the S-band antenna

3 Communicating with the Outside World#

17:10 Since no presentations were contributed for this section, we may wish to have a short discussion.

3.1 The immediate and wider science community#

3.1.1 EIS Website & Wiki#

These are our public face for information. It would be good to talk about:

3.2 Beyond the professional science community#

Public outreach efforts and ideas Presentations solicited!

4 Action Items and Wrap-up#


5 終わり#

18:00 END

Confirmed Attendees#

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