This page (revision-3) was last changed on 07-Dec-2016 14:14 by PeterYoung

This page was created on 14-Jun-2007 11:50 by PeterYoung

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
3 07-Dec-2016 14:14 1 KB PeterYoung to previous
2 14-Jun-2007 11:55 1 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
1 14-Jun-2007 11:50 986 bytes PeterYoung to last

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[{ALLOW edit EISMainUsers}]
[{ALLOW view Anonymous}]
There are two IDL routines that were used for de-spiking SOHO/CDS data, and they are found to give good results for EIS data. The routines are:
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There are two IDL routines that were used for cleaning SOHO/CDS data from cosmic rays, and they are found to give good results for EIS data. The routines are:
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If you eis_prep on your data, then it automatically removes CRs with eis_despike unless the /nocr keyword is given.
If you worried about whether real data are being flagged as CRs, then use the routine [eis_spike_viewer|EISSpikeViewer].
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If you are worried about whether real data are being flagged as CRs, then use the routine [eis_spike_viewer|EISSpikeViewer].
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! SAA periods
There are usually too many cosmic rays during SAA periods for the de-spiking routines to work effectively and so you should generally ignore SAA periods in your data. A possible exception is if you use very short exposure times, but this has not been checked.
Peter Young