This page (revision-2) was last changed on 18-Apr-2021 19:06 by Louisa Bradley

This page was created on 21-Jul-2011 11:03 by Louisa Bradley

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
2 18-Apr-2021 19:06 1 KB Louisa Bradley to previous
1 21-Jul-2011 11:03 752 bytes Louisa Bradley to last

Difference between version and

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1. The sensitivity loss due to contamination is measured by monitoring the intensities of specific solar spectral lines in the quiet sun, for more information see the EIS nugget "Sensitivity Performance of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode", available [here|].
1. The sensitivity loss due to contamination is measured by monitoring the intensities of specific solar spectral lines in the quiet sun, for more information see the EIS nugget "Sensitivity Performance of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode", available [here|].
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For the June 2011 EIS nugget "Contamination levels of EIS (as measured by QCM and LED flat-field intensity levels) click [here|].
--[Louisa Bradley|http://null], 21-Jul-2011