This page (revision-28) was last changed on 02-Feb-2017 13:19 by JianSun

This page was created on 17-Apr-2007 16:39 by UnknownAuthor

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
28 02-Feb-2017 13:19 4 KB JianSun to previous
27 23-Apr-2007 16:01 4 KB JianSun to previous | to last
26 23-Apr-2007 15:58 4 KB JianSun to previous | to last
25 23-Apr-2007 15:55 5 KB JianSun to previous | to last
24 23-Apr-2007 15:53 5 KB JianSun to previous | to last
23 23-Apr-2007 15:39 5 KB JianSun to previous | to last
22 23-Apr-2007 15:38 5 KB JianSun to previous | to last
21 23-Apr-2007 15:37 5 KB JianSun to previous | to last

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At line 1 changed 3 lines
[{ALLOW edit EISMainUsers}]
[{ALLOW view Anonymous}]
Here's a quick overview of the Wiki markup, for full info about editing Wiki page, please check: %%(color:#990000;)[TextFormattingRules]%%
Here's a quick overview of the markup you have at your disposal.
This text is [here|EditPageHelp]; more info in [TextFormattingRules]
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|__Table__ ; use pipes {{~|}} as delimitter\\No need for a terminating {{~|}}|{{~|| Header1 ~|| Header 2\\~| TableCell1 ~| TableCell2}}
|__Table__ ; use pipes {{~|}} as delimitter\\No need for a terminating {{~|}}|{{~|| Header1 ~|| Header 2\\~| ~TableCell1~| ~TableCell2}}
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[{InsertPage page='EISWikiPluginHelp'}]
A list of the most commonly used plugins and some key parameters.
[More plugins here|JSPWikiPlugins].
| [TableOfContents] | {{[[{TableOfContents }]}}
| [Image] | {{[[{Image src='x.jpg' link='~http://..' width='..' height='..'\\ align='left~|center~|right' style='..' class='..' }]}}
| [InsertPage] | {{[[{InsertPage page='some-page' }]}}
| [CurrentTimePlugin] | {{[[{CurrentTimePlugin format='yyyy mmm-dd'}]}}
| [ReferredPagesPlugin] | {{[[{ReferredPagesPlugin page='<pagename>' type='local~|external~|attachment' depth='1..8' \\ include='regexp' exclude='regexp'}]}}
| [ReferringPagesPlugin] | {{[[{ReferringPagesPlugin page='<pagename>' separator=',' \\ include='regexp' exclude='regexp'}]}}
| Set a [WikiVariable]\\ Get a [WikiVariable] \\ [Test a wiki variable|BrushedConditionalPlugin] | {{[[{SET name='value'}]}} \\ {{[[{$foo}]}} \\ {{[[{TEST page='p' name='var' match='regexp' except='regexp'\\ \\body\\}]}}
| [BrushedTablePlugin] | {{[[{Table \\ \\~||Nr ~||A ~||< ~||C ~||< \\~|# ~|a ~|b ~|c ~|d\\~|# ~|^ ~|b ~|^ ~|d\\}]}}
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