This page (revision-23) was last changed on 28-Aug-2023 22:31 by Peter Young

This page was created on 26-Jul-2007 22:00 by Mike Smith

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
23 28-Aug-2023 22:31 4 KB Peter Young to previous
22 11-Jul-2023 17:09 4 KB akadojewu to previous | to last
21 03-Nov-2016 18:34 6 KB utijeyer to previous | to last

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!Changes to eis_wave_corr and eis_getwindata: September 27, 2010.
The functionality of eis_wave_corr has been changed. It now calls the procedure eis_wave_corr_hk to compute the time-dependent wavelength correction. This routine is based on the algorithm produced by Kamio-san. It is possible to use the "old" method by using the the "old" keyword. Note that eis_wave_corr_hk requires housekeeping files to work.
The functionality of eis_getwindata has also been changed. The default behavior is to calculate the wavelength correction for the data window and include this information in the structure. The use of the keyword "no_wave_corr" causes the wavelength correction not to be calculated, but arrays are allocated for later use.
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It has been noted that Fe VIII and Si VII rasters look nearly identical [(Young et al. 2007)|] but the temperature of formation for the two ions are separated by about 0.2 dex. This image illustrates this by comparing Mg, Si, and Fe images in this temperature range. These data suggest that Fe VIII and perhaps Fe IX are formed at higher temperatures than suggested by the ionization balance calculations of [Mazzotta et al. (1998)|].
It has been noted that Fe VIII and Si VII rasters look nearly identical [(Young et al. 2007)|] but the temperature of formation for the two ions are seperated by about 0.2 dex. This image illustrates this by comparing Mg, Si, and Fe images in this temperature range. These data suggest that the Fe VIII and perhaps Fe IX are formed at higher temperatures than suggested by the ionization balance calculations of [Mazzotta et al. (1998)|].
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Note that you can view higher resolution images by looking at the “Attach” tab.
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An explanation for this observation is given by [Brooks, Warren, and Young (2011)|].
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!Deconvolving coronal features from the He II 256 blend
He II 256.32 is a self-blend of two He II lines and is also blended with four coronal lines. This section provides some information for those hoping to accurately extract the He II component from the blend.
* [Off-limb spectra|HeIIOffLimb]
!Missing exposures and bright exposures
Since the change to S-band operations in 2008 it has been common to see missing exposures when forming rasters from EIS data. Another feature has been the appearance of anomalously bright exposures. The link below shows examples from one raster data-sets.
[PRY_footpoints_HI2 raster on, 11-Dec-2009, 19:50|BadExposureExample]
![EIS bright point trigger|EISBPTrigger]
!Flares of AR 12192 (October 2014)
[Summary of EIS observations|AR12192obs].
!Flares of AR 12673 (September 2017)
[Summary of EIS observations|AR12673obs].