This page (revision-4) was last changed on 18-Apr-2021 19:12 by LouisaBradley

This page was created on 14-May-2007 13:38 by Louise Harra

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
4 18-Apr-2021 19:12 739 bytes LouisaBradley to previous Comment by LouisaBradley
3 14-May-2007 16:19 467 bytes Louise Harra to previous | to last
2 14-May-2007 13:41 394 bytes Louise Harra to previous | to last
1 14-May-2007 13:38 393 bytes Louise Harra to last

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At line 1 changed 10 lines
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There are hot pixels (i.e. dead pixels) on the CCDs as expected. This will be most noticable in the raster data since the same part of the CCD will be used to build up the image. The attached image shows you the how pixels which are see are red streaks across the image. It s predicted that after a 10 year period the CCDs will have less than 5% hot pixels. The routine eis_prep aims to remove the hot pixels, and is working well. [Hotpixels | HotPixels/hotpix.jpg]
The hot pixel co-ordinate files can be found in SSW (SSW\solarb\eis\data\cal\hp). These are updated monthly. The eis_prep routine uses these co-ordinate files.
--[LouisaBradley|http://null], 19-Jul-2007
There are hot pixels (i.e. dead pixels) on the CCDs as expected. This will be most noticable in the raster data since the same part of the CCD will be used to build up the image. The attached image shows you the how pixels which are see are red streaks across the image. It s predicted that after a 10 year period the CCDs will have less than 5% hot pixels. [Hotpixels | HotPixels/]