This page (revision-7) was last changed on 07-Dec-2016 14:14 by Peter Young

This page was created on 01-Feb-2013 21:34 by Peter Young

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
7 07-Dec-2016 14:14 7 KB Peter Young to previous
6 02-May-2013 21:40 7 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
5 23-Apr-2013 08:15 6 KB Louise Harra to previous | to last
4 01-Feb-2013 22:16 5 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
3 01-Feb-2013 22:15 5 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
2 01-Feb-2013 21:38 5 KB Peter Young to previous | to last
1 01-Feb-2013 21:34 5 KB Peter Young to last

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Please check the two documents available from the 'Attach' tab (see above).
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An IRIS weekly planning meeting will take place at around 20 UT on Wednesdays. This will allow input to the Hinode weekly meeting which takes place at 01:30 UT on Thursdays.
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Note that between 4 UT and 11 UT on Tuesday coordination seems unnecessary so IRIS should run their own studies.
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Suggestion: IRIS sends provisional plan details for Tuesday and Wednesday to Hinode on Sunday. This feeds into the Hinode draft plan. IRIS then sends final plan details for Tuesday at 20 UT (Monday) which then lead to pointing and timing changes to the Hinode final plan. IRIS should not make large changes between the provisional plan and final plan.
Suggestion: IRIS sends provisional plan details for Tuesday and Wednesday to Hinode on Sunday. This feeds into the Hinode draft plan. IRIS then sends final plan details for Tuesday only at 20 UT (Monday) which then lead to pointing and timing changes to the Hinode final plan. IRIS should not make large changes between the provisional plan and final plan.
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__UPDATE__: A procedure for automatically aligning EIS slot images with AIA has been implemented so that the EIS pointing accuracy should now be good to 5" or better (in both X and Y).
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A copy of the IRIS 30 day plan can be obtained by clicking on the 'Attach' tab at the top of this page. %%strike This document is accurate as of 17 Jan 2013/%. This document is out-of-date and will be updated around end-May/early-June. IRIS Technical Note 30, which discusses the 30 day plan, is also provided.
The 30 day plan generally consists of blocks of several hours with the same pointing. Most of these blocks will be repeated several times during the 30 day period. Within the block IRIS will do several different observation types that last ~ 1 hour (e.g., sit-and-stare followed by rasters). For the convenience of EIS planning, EIS should probably just repeat a single raster for the whole block with slot context rasters appended at the start and end.
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The 30 day plan generally consists of blocks of several hours with the same pointing. Most of these blocks will be repeated several times during the 30 day period. Within the block IRIS will do several different observation types that typically last about 1 hour (e.g., sit-and-stare followed by rasters). For the convenience of EIS planning, EIS should probably just repeat a single raster for the whole block with slot context rasters appended at the start and end.
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Science goal: evolution of abundances, outflows, and coronal heating.
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also abundance study -DB if we're running 7 hours per day
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Science goal: sunspot oscillations.
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EIS: assuming that waves are of interest - DRW_Alf_01
EIS: tbd.
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Science goal: flows
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EIS: DHB_006
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Science goal: waves in fan loops (both intensity and Doppler velocity)
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EIS: IUU_SCAN_STEPS_002 for intensity oscillations (maybe AIA would do this instead?) or BL_SUMER_EIS
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Science goal:on disk, energy transfer (and dynamics) in QS features such as jets and bright points.
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EIS: SK_CH1_55X512 a large continuous raster and then HPW002?
EIS: medium size raster?
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Science goal: spicules - looking for coronal counterpart of spicules.
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EIS:narrow raster - DRW001_HIGH_BRT_V2 (with density sensitive lines)
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Science goal: assuming limb: jet and spicules/plumes
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EIS: DRW001_HIGH_BRT_V2 (may need something with bigger step sizes?)
IRIS - possible pointing E-W at limb.
!CH2 - coronal hole properties - 1.5 hours
Science goal: energy transfer in coronal hole - tracking outflow through the atmosphere.
IRIS: deep full wavelength raster.
EIS: quiet raster atlas - DHB_atlas_120M_30"
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Science goal:look at absorption across the temperature range, looking at temperature distribution and strong dynamics.
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EIS: take a full spectrum once. HPW23, then do a sit n stare at limb - PROM_RAST_SMALL_V2
!PR2 - filament - #
Science goal: waves and dynamics in filaments
EIS: sit and stare - BL_SUMER_EIS
!PR2 - filament -