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!!!The most commonly-used EIS studies
The list below gives a list of EIS rasters, sorted by the number of hours that they have been run. Generally there's a one-to-one correspondence between rasters and studies, and the studies that correspond to the rasters are given below. The number of repeats of each raster is also shown.
This list is accurate up to 31 December 2021 and was generated by processing data from the __{{eis_obs_structure}}__ routine in IDL.
||Raster name||Raster ID ||Study ||No. hours || No. rasters
| HH_Flare_raster_v3 | 438 | __HH_Flare+AR_180x152__ | 2565 | 29321
| HH_Flare_raster_v6 | 493 | __HH_Flare_raster_v6__ | 2037 | 34811
| HPW021VEL260x512v2 | 539 | __HPW021VEL260x512v2__ | 1919 | 1916
| SK_CH_DIAG_320x384 | 287 | __SK_CH_DIAG_320x384__ | 1916 | 489
| Atlas_60 | 388 | __Atlas_60__ | 1486 | 1462
| Atlas_120_30arcsec | 445 | __dhb_atlas_120m_30"__ | 1366 | 1353
| HOP177_CH | 430 | __Large_CH_Map__ | 1328 | 1301
| IUU_SCAN_STEPS_002 | 343 | __IUU_SCAN_STEPS_002__ | 981 | 11005
| HPW021VEL120x512v1_b | 495 | __HPW021VEL120x512v1_b__ | 918 | 904
| AbundRaster_v3 | 519 | __DHB_007__ | 847 | 787
To find out more information about a study, run the __{{eis_xstudy}}__ routine in IDL.