EIS Studies

EIS Recommended studies

There are several EIS studies which are recommended by EIS team for use in different target category (for example, Active Region) under the new Hinode data-volume management scheme.

The list of recommended studie currently locates at EIS Wiki's Recommended Studies.   The list will be checked every few months for updates.

Searching for EIS studies

EIS software comes with a powerful tool "eis_filter_studies" to let user search the existing EIS studies by lines, Raster Type, Slit/Slot, spectral window size and Compression scheme. It would be very userful when user starts to choose study for EIS observation poposal or design his/her own study, even to search EIS datasets by study from MSSL Hinode/EIS data archive.

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Full list of available EIS studies

The following table lists all available EIS studies in decreasing order of study ID. Clicking each button on "Study details" column will show more details of the study. Clicking each button on "Associated FITS files" column will lead to data archive page where all EIS FITS files, which generated from the study, are listing for viewing thumbnails and downloading.

Please NOTE:

  • Old EIS studies (i.e. study ID ≤ 248) are now not recommanded any more due to Hinode S-band antenna restrictions — those studies are marked with background color       in the list.
  • If you'd like an EIS study to run, please pick up from the latest studies.
  • If you want more general guidance about operational restrictions on observing with EIS, please check this page: Observing with EIS and the S-band Antenna
Study details ACRONYM Title Intended target Associated FITS files
DHB_HiC_FOXSI_01 Study for coordinated observations with HiC-FOXSI sounding rocket campaign. Active Region
Atlas_180v2 Spectral atlas covering 240"x160" with 2" slit - 180s exposures Quiet Sun
HS_sns HS sns Active Region
WP_test WP test Quiet Sun
DHB_MaGIXS_01 Slot raster for MaGIXS rocket flight (2024). Active Region
EL_DHB_01v3 Small flare diagnostic study v3 Quiet Sun
cool_loop_network cool loop network Quiet Sun
CH_bound_240x512v1 CH boundary 100s Quiet Sun
regcal082 Dark exposures, top CCD rows (150s exposures) Engineering
regcal081 Dark exposures, CCD bottom rows (150s exposures) Engineering
qub_hi-cad_flare_v3 qub hi-cad flare 4s exp 70"x104", increased exposure time Flare
Flare266_Hunter01_v2 Flare266 Hunter01, increased exposure time Flare
FlareResponse01_v2 FlareResponse01, increased exposure time Flare
full_sun_slot_scan_5 488x512 Slot Scan. Revised version of full sun slot scan 2. Exposure time increased. Quiet Sun
CH_funnels_FIPv3 CH funnels FIPv2, increased exposure time Coronal Hole
CAM_ARTB_RHESSI_b_2a AR microflares and TR response - joint observations with RHESSI (v2), increased exposure time Active Region
HPW021VEL001x512v3 HPW021VEL001x512v2 increased exposure time Active Region
Atlas_30_v2 Spectral atlas covering 120x160 with 2" slit - 45s exposures Quiet Sun
EL_DHB_02_v2 Small flare diagnostic study - lower telemetry. Increased exposure time Flare
fast_slot_hefe3_v2 wide slot with HeII and Fe XII, increased exposure time Active Region
PRYslotcontextLIQSv2 PRY slot contextLIQS, increased exposure time Quiet Sun
raster_hefe3_v2 slit raster to cover imaging area of the wide slot with heII and Fe XII, increased exposure times Active Region
cam_flare_hot1_v2 cam flare hot1 raster slit2 100x100 10s jpeg85, increased exposure times Flare
HH_FlareAR180x152v2 Flare study: 180"x152" FOV, 2" wide slit, 6" steps, 14s EXP Flare
Alignment_modify_v3 Alignment Modify 40slot 1slit v2, increased exposure times Quiet Sun
dhb_atlas_180m_30" dhb Spectral atlas covering 30x160 with 2" slit 180s exposures Quiet Sun
Flare_SNS_v3 Sit-and-stare flare study updated with faster cadence, increased exposure time Flare
PRY_slot_context_v4 Heavily compressed (Q=50) slot context raster; 488"x488"; 7mins Active Region
ar_evolution_v2 Active region evolution - general purpose AR raster - increased exposure times Active Region
Atlas_180 Spectral atlas covering 120x160 with 2" slit - 180s exposures Quiet Sun
DHB_007_v4 Full Sun Spectral Scan increased exposure Quiet Sun
HOP81_new_study_v2 New coronal hole study for polar monitoring campaign, increased exposure. Coronal Hole
EL_DHB_01_v2 Small flare diagnostic study, increased exposure. Flare
Atlas_90 Spectral atlas covering 120x160 with 2" slit - 90s exposures Quiet Sun
Large_CH_Map_v2 Large Coronal hole study increased exposures Quiet Sun
SK_DEEP_5x512_SLIT1a Deep exposures with 1 arcsec slit for measuring precise velocity increased exposure Quiet Sun
HPW021VEL260x512v3 HPW021VEL260x512v3 Active Region
full_sun_slot_scan_4 488x512 Slot Scan. Revised version of full sun slot scan 2. Increased exposure time. Quiet Sun
XRT_synop_AIA_v2 Alignment between EIS and AIA data: 266" wide slot, 15 sec exp Quiet Sun
PRY_slot_ctxt_litev2 Heavily compressed slot context raster; 488"x488"; 3.5mins; reduced line list; increased exposure Active Region
EL_DHB_01v2 Small flare diagnostic study Quiet Sun
fullccd_scan_m106 limb fullccd scan m106 Quiet Sun
FlareResponse03 FlareResponse01 version 2 with added abundance and magnetic field diagnostics Flare
CH_funnels+FIP_sitn CH funnels+FIP sitn Coronal Hole
CH_funnels+FIP_fast CH funnels+FIP fast Coronal Hole
CH_funnels_FIPv2 CH funnels FIPv2 Coronal Hole
EL_DHB_02 Small flare diagnostic study - lower telemetry. Flare
EL_DHB_01 Small flare diagnostic study. Flare
DHB_007_v3 Study for measuring plasma composition (new variation). Active Region
DHB_007_v2 Study for measuring plasma composition. Active Region
full_sun_slot_scan_3 488x512 Slot Scan. Revised version of full sun slot scan 2. Longer exposure time. Quiet Sun
cam_flare_hot1_study cam flare hot1 raster slit2 100x100 10s jpeg85 Flare
CH_FunnelsFIP CH FunnelsFIP Coronal Hole
TimeLag_quietAR_QS Timelag Study of Quiescent Active Regions and Quiet Sun Areas Active Region
TimeLag_QS_1 Timelag Study of Quiet Sun Areas 1 Quiet Sun
TimeLag_QS Timelag Study of Quiet Sun Areas Quiet Sun
PCH_SNS_2x512 Polar Coronal Hole Coronal Hole
HPW023_FULLCCD_V3s2 HPW023 FULLCCD V3s2 Quiet Sun
dhb_atlas_30x512 dhb Spectral atlas covering 30x512 with 2" slit 120s exposures Quiet Sun
HPW024_266fullccd25s HPW024 266fullccd25s Active Region
HPW021VEL001x512v2 HPW021VEL001x512v2 Active Region
CLASP-2_22x512_OBS EIS 2"-slit observation during CLASP-2 rocket experiment Active Region
HOP81_new_study New coronal hole study for polar monitoring campaign. Coronal Hole
EUNIS_EIS_CrossCal18 EUNIS EIS Cross Calibration 2018 Quiet Sun
synop008 synop008 Quiet Sun
SYNOP008 SYNOP008 Quiet Sun
synop007 synop007 Quiet Sun
PRY_slot_contextLIQS PRY slot contextLIQS Quiet Sun
HPW023_FULLCCD_V2s2 HPW023 FULLCCD V2s2 Quiet Sun
Cool_loop_stare_v2 Updated sit-and-stare study for coronal hole plumes Quiet Sun
fast_slot_hefe3 wide slot with HeII and Fe XII Active Region
raster_hefe3 slit raster to cover imaging area of the wide slot with heII and Fe XII Active Region
DHB_010 Off limb short exposures Active Region
ar_vel_fast_scan ar vel fast scan Active Region
Utz_quiet Utz quiet sun study with GREGOR Quiet Sun
HPW021VEL260x512v2 HPW021VEL260x512v2 Active Region
HPW021VEL260x512v1 HPW021VEL260x512v1 Active Region
regeng026 EEPROM 4 to 7 memory dump Engineering
fullccd_sns30 limb fullccd sns30 Active Region
fullccd_scan_m30 limb fullccd scan m30 Active Region
fullccd_scan_l30 limb fullccd scan l30 Active Region
AN_ALMA_EIS_s01v01 AN ALMA EIS s01v01 Quiet Sun
BP_response1_raster Bright point response study (MM) Quiet Sun
DHB_009_v2 Off limb slot raster v2 Quiet Sun
DHB_008_v2 Off limb sit-and-stare v2 Quiet Sun
HIC2_SCAN_201X512 HIC2 SCAN 201X512 Active Region
HIC2_SCAN_61X512 HIC2 SCAN 61X512 Active Region
DHB_009 Off limb slot raster Quiet Sun
DHB_008 Off limb sit-and-stare Quiet Sun
Flare_SNS_v2 Sit-and-stare flare study updated with faster cadence Flare
ar_evolution Active region evolution - general purpose AR raster Active Region
SI_Mercury_slot_v1 SI Mercury slot v1 Quiet Sun
SI_Mercury_slit_v2 SI Mercury slit v2 Quiet Sun
SI_Mercury_slit SI Mercury slit Quiet Sun
bakeout_B_on CCD B heater on (CCD A heater power disabled) Engineering
bakeout_A_on CCD A heater on (CCD B heater power disabled) Engineering
bakeout_off CCDs A and B heaters off, to 0% HTR power, 10m dwell, V2 Engineering
bakeout_on CCDs A and B heaters on, to 30% HTR power, 10m dwell Engineering
FlareResponse02 FlareResponse02 Flare
Flare_SNS_v1 Sit-and-stare flare study with detailed line list Flare
DHB_007 Full Sun Spectral Scan Quiet Sun
AR_Jets_SAOv2 SAO hunt for jets Active Region
AR_Jets_SAO Active Region Jets SAO Active Region
CLASP-1_60x512_CAL_ EIS 1"-slit observation after CLASP-1 rocket experiment Quiet Sun
CLASP-1_60x512_OBS_ EIS 2"-slit observation during CLASP-1 rocket experiment Quiet Sun
CLASP-1_60x512_CAL EIS 1"-slit observation after CLASP-1 rocket experiment Quiet Sun
CLASP-1_60x512_OBS EIS 2"-slit observation during CLASP-1 rocket experiment Quiet Sun
GDZ_PLUME1_2_300_150 GDZ PLUME1 v2 Coronal Hole
pry_flare_2 High cadence flare raster for studying flare ribbons Flare
PRY_flare_2 High cadence flare study Flare
CompS_NonMax_120 Studying the effect of non-Maxwellian populations using EIS and COMP-S (off-limb) (120s) Quiet Sun
CompS_NonMax_90 Studying the effect of non-Maxwellian populations using EIS and COMP-S (off-limb) (90s) Quiet Sun
CompS_NonMax_60 Studying the effect of non-Maxwellian populations using EIS and COMP-S (off-limb) (60s) Quiet Sun
CompS_NonMax_30 Studying the effect of non-Maxwellian populations using EIS and COMP-S (off-limb) (30s) Quiet Sun
qub_hi-cad_flare_v2 qub hi-cad flare 4s exp 70"x104" Flare
Cool_loop_narrow Narrow raster for studying fan loop footpoints Active Region
Cool_loop_resp_v2 Loop footpoint study Active Region
Cool_loop_stare Sit-and-stare study for coronal hole plumes Quiet Sun
Fe13_eruption Study for large Doppler shift during filament eruptions Active Region
HPW021VEL120x512v3_b HPW021VEL120x512v3 b Quiet Sun
HPW021VEL240x512v2_b HPW021VEL240x512v2 b Quiet Sun
HPW021VEL360x512v1_b HPW021VEL360x512v1 b Active Region
HPW021VEL240x512v1_b HPW021VEL240x512v1 b Active Region
HPW021VEL120x512v2_b HPW021VEL120x512v2 b Active Region
HPW021VEL120x512v1_b HPW021VEL120x512v1 b Active Region
HPW021VEL001x512v1_b HPW021VEL001x512v1 b Active Region
HH_Flare_raster_v6 HH Flare raster v6 Flare
SI_LFOV_rscan SI LFOV rscan Flare
eis_tornadoes_sns_n Dynamics of solar tornadoes (modified). Filament
eis_tornadoes_scan_n Dynamics of solar tornadoes - context data (modified). Filament
kam_qs_sns_eis A study on the plasma properties of EIT waves from multi-wavelength observations Quiet Sun
DHB_006_v2 DHB 006 v2 Active Region
Cor_Hole_Jet_v1 Small, fast raster for studying coronal hole jets Quiet Sun
Fast_moss_scan Small, fast raster for studying rapid variability in AR moss Active Region
eis_tornadoes_sns Dynamics of solar tornadoes. Filament
eis_tornadoes_scan Dynamics of solar tornadoes - context data. Filament
Coronal_Rain_1as2pos Coronal Rain at Two Positions 1" slit (P. Antolin) Quiet Sun
ISSI_jet_1 Study for jets in coronal holes and the quiet Sun (ISSI workshop) Quiet Sun
regeng025 EEPROM 0 to 3 memory dump Engineering
eis_eitwave_obssns Dynamical and physical properties of EIT waves. Quiet Sun
eis_eitwave_context Dynamical and physical properties of EIT waves: context images. Quiet Sun
kappa_short Kappa lines raster s study Active Region
kappa Kappa lines raster study Active Region
HPW023_FULLCCD_300s HPW023 FULLCCD 300s Quiet Sun
full_sun_slot_scan_2 488x512 Slot Scan. Revised version of full sun slot scan 1. Added lines. Quiet Sun
PRY_flare_1 High cadence raster for the study of flare kernels during the flare rise phase Flare
FOXSI_QS FOXSI Quiet Sun raster (in flight) Quiet Sun
HPW021_VEL_120x512v3 HPW021 VEL 120x512v3 Quiet Sun
HH_Flare+AR_180x152H Flare study: 180"x152" FOV, 2" wide slit, 6" steps, 9s EXP, He II Flare
XRT_synop_AIA Alignment between EIS and AIA data: 266" wide slot, 10 sec exp Quiet Sun
Flare266_Hunter03 Flare266 Hunter03 Flare
Flare266_Hunter02 Flare266 Hunter02 Flare
DHB_006 DHB 006 Active Region
hot_loop_osc_2_v4 hot loop osc 2 Flare
hot_loop_osc_1_v4 hot loop osc 1 v4 Flare
HIC_SCAN_58x512v1 HIC SCAN 58x512v1 Active Region
DRW001_HI_BRT_V3 10 arcsec rapid scan for TR and coronal brightenings (H. Isobe) (v3, 10 pointing positions, 30s) Quiet Sun
HH_Flare_162x152_R HH Flare 162x152: fast raster, 2" wide slit, 3sec exp., 3arcsec steps, EWxNS=162x152 arcsecs R Flare
HH_Flare_162x152 HH Flare 162x152: fast raster, 2" wide slit, 3sec exp., 3arcsec steps, EWxNS=162x152 arcsecs Flare
SI_Venus_slot_v2 SI Venus slot v2 Quiet Sun
SI_Venus_slot_v1 SI Venus slot v1 Quiet Sun
SI_Venus_slit_v2 SI Venus slit v2 Quiet Sun
SI_Venus_slit SI Venus slit Quiet Sun
HPW022_VEL_480x512v1 HPW022 VEL 480x512v1 Active Region
eitwave_triggered eitwave triggered Quiet Sun
eitwave_synoptic eitwave synoptic Quiet Sun
cam_ar_limb_lite_v3 largeAR diagnosic raster, 160X380, 2 arcsecond slit, 90 sec. exposure Active Region
HPW021_VEL_240x512v2 HPW021 VEL 240x512v2 Quiet Sun
Flare266_Hunter01 Flare266 Hunter01 Flare
FlareResponse01 FlareResponse01 Flare
CORE_FLARE_TR120x120 CORE FLARE TR120x120 Flare
FLAREDOP_EIS Rapid Cadence EIS Flare Stare Flare
HPW021_VEL_360x512v1 HPW021 VEL 360x512v1 Active Region
HPW021_VEL_001x512v1 HPW021 VEL 001x512v1 Active Region
FlareRespTest1 FlareRespTest1 Active Region
dhb_atlas_120m_30" dhb Spectral atlas covering 30x160 with 2" slit 120s exposures Quiet Sun
HH_Flare_SAS HH Flare SAS Flare
HH_Flare_180x152f HH Flare 180x152f Flare
HH_Flare_60x152f HH Flare 60x152f Flare
qub_hi-cad_flare_v1 qub hi-cad flare 2s exp 104"x104" Flare
HH_Flare+AR_180x152 Flare study: 180"x152" FOV, 2" wide slit, 6" steps, 9s EXP Flare
Hot_loop_osci_2_v3 loop oscillations at limb 2 v3 Active Region
Hot_loop_osci_1_v3 loop oscillations at limb v3 Active Region
Cam_flare_diag Cam flare diag Flare
AB_CH_OFFLIMB_SANDS Coronal Hole, off limb, sit & stare study: 1" slit, 500s exposure time - New Coronal Hole
eis_swap_ar study of transient outflows from ARs associated with flares and CMEs - relationship to solar wind Active Region
FLARE266_TEST2 FLARE266 TEST2 Active Region
GDZ_300x384_S2S3_40 GDZ 300x384 S2S3 40S Active Region
Large_CH_Map Large Coronal hole study Quiet Sun
YKK_EqCHab_160x512 Quadrature Study with STEREO Quiet Sun
YKK_EqCHab_st Quadrature Study with STEREO sit-and-stare Quiet Sun
eis:eitwave_obssns Dynamics and physical properties of EIT waves. Quiet Sun
eis:eitwave_context Dynamics and physical properties of EIT waves: context images. Quiet Sun
GDZ_DENS_20x240_ARL2 GDZ DENS 20x240 ARL2 NEW Active Region
GDZ_300x384_S2S3_35 GDZ 300x384 S2S3 35S NEW LIST Active Region
FLARE266_TEST1 FLARE266 TEST1 Active Region
Hunter_loop_fe8 Hunter study for finding bright loop footpoints Active Region
Cool_loop_response Response study for active region loop footpoints Active Region
PRY_sit_stare_1 Low data rate sit-and-stare study Quiet Sun
FullSunSlit_SI FullSunSlit SI Quiet Sun
madj_qs_sns_15m EIS/SDO diagnostics, QS Quiet Sun
madj_ar_sns_15m EIS/SDO diagnostics, AR Active Region
iiap_ch_sns_v2 on nature of propagating waves in polar coronal holes v2 SNS Coronal Hole
iiap_ch_ctxt_v2 on nature of propagating waves in polar coronal holes v2 Coronal Hole
HPW021_VEL_240x512v1 HPW021 VEL 240x512v1 Active Region
VHH_HI_BRT_SCAN_EXT Sixteen-arcsecond rapid scan for TR line assymetries Active Region
VHH_SlowARbig_1h23 VHH SlowAR slow scan of 300arcsec AR to search for line assymetries Active Region
vhh_slowar_sas_1h6m VHH SaS of AR to search for line assymetries Active Region
VHH_SlowAR_1h12_V2_2 VHH SlowAR slow scan of AR to search for line assymetries V2M 2 Active Region
BP_hunter_v2 Bright point hunter study,test (v2) Quiet Sun
BP_response_slot_tst Quiet Sun bright point response study, 40" slit (12 raster repeat) Quiet Sun
js2_decon_ref_vel_LT js2 decon ref vel LT Active Region
js2_decon_slot_sc_LT js2 decon slot scan LT Active Region
HPW021_VEL_120x512v2 HPW021 VEL 120x512v2 Active Region
Atlas_060x512_60s Atlas 060x512 60s Active Region
Atlas_060x512_45s Atlas 060x512 45s Active Region
js2_decon_ref_vel js2 decon ref vel Active Region
js2_decon_slot_scan js2 decon slot scan Active Region
arm_loop_ne_slit sit-n-stare slit for density measurements Polar region
BP_hunter1 Bright point hunter study (test) Quiet Sun
BP_response1_2raster Bright point response study (test) (2 rasters) Quiet Sun
HPW021_VEL_120x512v1 HPW021 VEL 120x512v1 Active Region
DEI_AR_LOOP_V2 Off Limb AR loop sit and stare (V2) Active Region
Hot_loop_osci_2_v2 Hot loop oscillations at limb 2 v2 Active Region
Hot_loop_osci_1_v2 Hot loop oscillations at limb v2 Active Region
NNK_SNS_WAVE_PROP_v1 NNK SNS WAVE PROP v1 [EWxNS = 2"x296"; nstep: 3 (30")] Wave propagation in AR Active Region
js2_40slot_decon_v1 js2 40slot decon v1 Active Region
GDZ_300x360_S2S3_30S GDZ 300x360 S2S3 30S Active Region
HPW020_VEL_FULLs1 HPW020 VEL FULLs1 Quiet Sun
YL_FL0158_V2 YLin et al.: for HOP158 multiple-line observations of solar FL&AR (sit&stare part) - V2 Active Region
delay2400 Engineering sequence which delays for 40 minutes Engineering
delay1800 Engineering sequence which delays for 30 minutes Engineering
delay1200 Engineering sequence which delays for 20 minutes Engineering
delay600 Engineering sequence which delays for 10 minutes Engineering
delay300 Engineering sequence which delays for 5 minutes Engineering
delay60 Engineering sequence which delays for 1 minute Engineering
Atlas_120 Spectral atlas covering 120x160 with 2" slit - 120s exposures Quiet Sun
Atlas_60 Spectral atlas covering 120x160 with 2" slit - 60s exposures Quiet Sun
Atlas_30 Spectral atlas covering 120x160 with 2" slit - 30s exposures Quiet Sun
High_cadence_AR_dens Active region high cadence study Active Region
arm_fastslot_v2 fast slot for high frequency oscillations Active Region
arm_raster_ar Active region raster new Active Region
Hot_loop_osci_2 Hot loop oscillations at limb 2 Active Region
Hot_loop_osci_1 Hot loop oscillations at limb Active Region
mbps_1 Magnetoseismology of bright points Quiet Sun
mbps_2ar Magnetoseismology of bright points 2 (active region) Active Region
mbps_2qs Magnetoseismology of bright points 2 (quiet sun) Quiet Sun
mbps_3 Magnetoseismology pof bright points 3 Quiet Sun
Alignment_modify_v2 Alignment Modify 40slot 1slit v2 Quiet Sun
nanoflare_sas_v1 Sit-and-stare study for measuring nanoflare signature Active Region
JS_CH_400x256_V4 Coronal Hole study: JS CH 400x256 2arc, XFOV = 400arc, exp. time = 160s Coronal Hole
HH_Flare_180x160_v2 HH Flare 180"x160" 5"steps 8sExp v2 Flare
calib_slit_slot_v2 Calibration study for measuring slit tilts and widths Quiet Sun
PRY_loop_velocity AR loop velocity study, 300"x512", 50s, 1" Active Region
VHH_HI_BRT_SCAN Five-arcsecond rapid scan for TR line assymetries Active Region
HH_Flare_180x160_1 HH Flare 180"x160" 5"steps 8sExp Active Region
AR_filament Active region filament Active Region
Quiet_fil_wide Quiescent filament wide Quiet Sun
Quiet_fil_narrow Quiescent filament narrow Quiet Sun
GDZ_AR_HOT_1_280X280 GDZ AR HOT 1 280X280 SLIT2 50S Active Region
YKK_ARabund01 Active region abundance variation study Active Region
YKK_EqCHab_01W Equatorial/low-latitude coronal holes and associated solar wind, wide raster Coronal Hole
YKK_EqCHab_01N Equatorial/low-latitude coronal holes and associated solar wind, narrow raster Coronal Hole
IUU_SLOT_488x512 SLOT imaging, large FOV. Quiet Sun (V2) Quiet Sun
cam_ar_limb_lite_v2 large AR diagnostic raster, 320 x 380, 2' slit, 45 sec Active Region
SK_DEEP_10x512_SLIT2 Deep exposure with 2 arcsec slit for measuring precise velocity Quiet Sun
SK_DEEP_5x512_SLIT1 Deep exposures with 1 arcsec slit for measuring precise velocity Quiet Sun
cam_sigmoid_study_v1 Multi-temperature observations of sigmoids Active Region
VHH_SlowAR_2h20_DPCM VHH SlowAR 2h20 DPCM Active Region
VHH_SlowAR_1h12_V2 VHH SlowAR slow scan of AR to search for line assymetries V2M Active Region
VHH_SlowAR_5m_V2 VHH SlowAR slow scan of AR to search for line assymetries V2 Active Region
MicroType3_fastscan MicroType3 fastscan Coronal Hole
MicroType3_fullscan MicroType3 fullscan Coronal Hole
JS_CH_280x256_V3 Coronal Hole study: JS CH 280x256 2arc, modified version of study #341 (exp. time 90s -> 120s) Coronal Hole
full_sun_slot_scan_1 488x512 Slot Scan. Basic unit to Full Sun Slot Scan. Quiet Sun
XBP_OBS_SI006 XBP OBS SI006 Quiet Sun
flush_ccds Flush CCDs (10 flushes) Engineering
FLR001_flare_study FLR001 5s-exp 5m-rast 80"x120" 2"slit fe14 den Flare
Eclipse_raster_v2 Eclipse raster which takes 60 % of spectrum; 3x3 arcmin Quiet Sun
cam_artb_cds_a_lite Active Region Transietn Brightening -- Lite Active Region
cam_artb_lite_v2 High cadence observations of active region transient brightenings and microflares Active Region
cam_ar_temp_lite Active Region Temperature Diagnostic - Lite Version Active Region
IUU_SCAN_STEPS_002 Fast scan, 58x368, 2" slit, 4" steps. AR line list. Active Region
HPW019AR__1x400_45s2 HPW019AR 1x400 45s HOT CA LINES v2 Active Region
HPW018AR300x400_30s2 HPW018AR300x400 30s HOT CA LINES v2 Active Region
HPW017AR_30x400_30s2 HPW017AR 30x400 30s HOT CA LINES v2 Active Region
PRY_slot_contextLITE Heavily compressed slot context raster; 488"x488"; 3.5mins; reduced line list Active Region
PRY_slot_context_v3 Heavily compressed (Q=50) slot context raster; 488"x488"; 3.5mins Active Region
CALIB_slit_slot_v1 Study for comparing slit and slot data calibration Quiet Sun
LANDI_SCAN_CH Coronal hole, 60"x512" raster, 240s exp.time Coronal Hole
CHvel_240x400_sumer vel ch sumer SI005 Coronal Hole
madj_ar_small Active region small raster Active Region
madj_ar Active region raster Active Region
SK_QS_50x320i Interleaved rasters 50x320 for QS/CH Quiet Sun
aks_slit_sas_pch HOP : Study of Coronal Hole Dynamics from EIS/Hinode and SUMER/SOHO (SAS) Coronal Hole
aks_slit_raster_pch HOP : Study of Coronal Hole Dynamics from EIS/Hinode and SUMER/SOHO (scan) Coronal Hole
ral_he_int_1slit RAL Helium Intensities - 1" slit Quiet Sun
ral_he_int_2slit RAL Helium Intensities - 2" slit Quiet Sun
dei_qs_80_slot40_lo Quiet Sun alternating slots for Dopplershifts Quiet Sun
JS_CH_280x256_2arc Coronal Hole study: JS CH 280x256 2arc with 90s, modified version of study 267 to increase DN/pixel Coronal Hole
ab_CH_offlimb_sands Coronal Hole, off limb, sit & stare study: 1" slit, 500s exposure time Coronal Hole
ab_CH_offlimb_cntxt Coronal Hole, off limb, context study: 2" slit spatial raster Coronal Hole
rah_line_narrow_v2 RAH Line Narrowing - 2" slit Quiet Sun
rah_line_narrow RAH Line Narrowing Quiet Sun
HPW019AR__1x400_45s HPW019AR 1x400 45s HOT CA LINES Active Region
HPW018AR300x400_30s HPW018AR300x400 30s HOT CA LINES Active Region
HPW017AR_30x400_30s HPW017AR 30x400 30s HOT CA LINES Active Region
blinker_cr coronal responses of QS transient brightenings Quiet Sun
IUU_SLOT_104x280_Q65 QS long duration slot movie. 104x280 FOV. JPEG65. Low data rate. Quiet Sun
IUU_SLOT_104x216_Q65 QS long duration slot movie. 104x216 FOV. JPEG65. Low data rate. Quiet Sun
YKK_EqCH_02N Equatorial coronal hole study, narrow raster Coronal Hole
YKK_EqCH_02W Equatorial coronal hole study, wide raster Coronal Hole
PRY_footpoints_HI2 High data volume study for active region loop footpoints Active Region
sta_plume_slot St Andrews Plume Slot Study Coronal Hole
sta_plume_context St Andrews Plume Context Study Coronal Hole
madj_qs_small QS study with small rasters Quiet Sun
madj_qs QS study Quiet Sun
Fe9_offlimb Study for measuring temperature with Fe IX in coronal holes Coronal Hole
NRL_QSCH_30x400_90s2 NRL QSCH 30x400 90s 2 Quiet Sun
NRL_QSCH_30x400_90s NRL QSCH 30x400 90s Quiet Sun
NRL_QSCH_30x400_60s2 NRL QSCH 30x400 60s2 Quiet Sun
GDZ_QS1_60x512_60s GDZ QUIET SUN 2" SLIT 60s 60X512 QS LINES ONLY Quiet Sun
DRW_Alf_01 Coronal Search for Alfven Waves Active Region
DRW_QS_THMF Transient Horizontal Magnetic Field variability response in the TR and lower corona Quiet Sun
KM-qs-study-low small quiet sun rasters Quiet Sun
HH_QS_EW_SCAN_01s HH QS EW SCAN 01s (45arcsec step raster, 13 scanning positions, 30s exp. for velocity calibration) Quiet Sun
dot+eis:mic_fib_sit Solar microflares and network dynamic fibrils: sit-and-stare study Quiet Sun
dot+eis:mic_fib_con Solar microflares and network dynamic fibrils: context study Quiet Sun
prom_rast_small_v2 Prominence small rasters slit2 x4y128 JPEG98 25Lines Filament
prom_rast_v1 Prominence raster Slit1 x80y128 JPEG98 25Lines Eruptive Filament
GDZ_LT_PLUME_10x180 GDZ LT PLUME 10x180 Coronal Hole
GDZ_LT_PLUME_160x340 GDZ LT PLUME 160x340 Coronal Hole
YKK_EqCH_01 YKK EqCH 01 50x400 300s 1arcsec Coronal Hole
NRL_QSCH_30x400_60s NRL QSCH 30x400 60s Quiet Sun
IUU_SLOT_616X512_Q85 SLOT imaging, large FOV. Quiet Sun. Quiet Sun
SK_CH_DIAG_320x384 Coronal hole study for polar monitoring campaign Coronal Hole
DHB_prom_slot_movie 30s cadence slot raster movie with two positions Filament
GDZ_LT_JET_60x160 GDZ LT JET 60x160 Coronal Hole
GDZ_LT_XRBP_100x200 GDZ LT XRBP 100x200 Quiet Sun
YK_AR_50x384 YK AR 50x384 Active Region
GDZ_LT_FAST_340x300 GDZ LT FAST 340x300 Active Region
kpd02_QS_RAST_55 QS study designed to allow consecutive rasters over a full day Quiet Sun
cavity_dem_1 Range of Fe lines for density and temp. diagnostic of prom and prom. cavities Filament
SK_QS_34x168c SK QS 34x168c 210sec Quiet Sun
dhb_polar_scan_Q90 Modified CAM AR LIMB V1 for polar region scan (70 s Exposure time), remodified, 224H, JPEG90 Quiet Sun
CHROMO_EVAP_RM_V3 Chromospheric Evaporation During Solar Flares V3 Flare
IUU_SLOT_136x400_Q65 AR slot image/movie. 136x400 FOV. JPEG65. Low data rate. Active Region
HPW_QS_MAP_v2_Q75 HPW QS MAP v2 Q75 Quiet Sun
HPW_QS_MAP_v2_Q85 HPW QS MAP v2 Q85 Quiet Sun
HPW_QS_MAP_v2_Q90 HPW QS MAP v2 Q90 Quiet Sun
LT_CH_1_510x256 LT CH 1 510x256 Coronal Hole
FlareO_slit_AJW Flare trigger AJW Active Region
dob_bp_slit_raster Bright point slit raster Quiet Sun
dob_bp_slot_raster Bright point slot raster Quiet Sun
Alignment_266_01 Alignment slot 266 short Quiet Sun
regcal079 Dark exposures, 0s, 2 exposures, top ccd half Engineering
regcal078 Dark exposures, 0s, 2 exposures, bottom ccd half Engineering
cmeo_slot_lo CME Onset - slot study - lo telemetry rate Active Region
cmeo_slit_lo CME Onset - slit study - lo telemetry rate Active Region
sta_loop_context_lo St Andrews loop oscillations - context raster - lo telemetry rate Active Region
comcal081 Focussing (nominal slit position -6 steps) Engineering
comcal080 Focussing (nominal slit position -4 steps) Engineering
kpd02_qs kpd02 qs rast 55 Quiet Sun
comcal077 Focussing (nomial slit position - 2) Engineering
comcal076 Focussing (nomianl slit position + 2) Engineering
PRY_CH_density Small raster for measuring density in coronal holes Quiet Sun
JS_CH_140x256p Coronal Hole study: JS CH 140x256 45sec, adpoted from SK CH1 70x512 (study 220) Coronal Hole
SYNOP006 SYNOP006 Quiet Sun
SYNOP005_A SYNOP005 A Quiet Sun
EL_WHI_CH_limb Sit and stare at limb,2"x512",3 reps at 600s exp.t each Coronal Hole
EL_WHI_CH_small Small CH raster for diagnostics, 60"x120",slit 2,exp.t 100s Coronal Hole
pch_plume_dynamics Modified qs-dynamics-small for Polar CH (60s Exposure time) Coronal Hole
dhb_polar_scan Modified CAM AR LIMB V1 for polar region scan (70 s Exposure time) Quiet Sun
HPW004_Q85 HPW004 Q85 Quiet Sun
HPW004_Q92 HPW004 Q92 Quiet Sun
HPW004_Q90 HPW004 Q90 Quiet Sun
HPW004_Q95 HPW004 Q95 Quiet Sun
SYNOP005 SYNOP005 Quiet Sun
cme_slit_red_lkh filament study: slit raster Quiet Sun
cme_slot_red_lkh filament study: slot raster for context image Quiet Sun
regcal077 Flatfield, 2 exposures, led 80ms, full ccd Engineering
regcal076 Flatfield, 1 exposure, led 100ms, ccd left halves Engineering
tr_bright_lo Transition Region Brightenings - lo telemetry rate Quiet Sun
sta_loop_slot_lo St Andrews loop oscillations - slot sit and stare - lo telemetry rate Active Region
PRY_slot_context_v2 Heavily compressed (Q=50) slot context raster, 520"x512" Active Region
IUU_SLOT_104x512_Q85 QS slot image/movie. 104x512 FOV. JPEG85. Low data rate. Quiet Sun
kpd01_qs_slit_60s_v3 kpd01 qs 1slit 55stp 1ac 60s v3 Quiet Sun
QS-dynamics-large QS-dynamics-large Quiet Sun
qs-dynamics-small qs-dynamics-small Quiet Sun
HPW016_DETAILED_SAS HPW016 DETAILED SAS 1 45s 1x360 Active Region
HPW015_DETAILED_MAP HPW015 DETAILED MAP 1 45s 200x360 Active Region
cam_artb_rhessi_lite Narrow, high cadence study for microflares in active regions (low DR) Active Region
PRY_footpoints_lite Low data rate study for coronal loop footpoints Active Region
SYNOP004_400x400_v2 SYNOP004 400x400 v2 Active Region
IUU_SLOT_168X512 Slot imaging, 70s cadence, 168x512 FOV. JPEG95. Active Region
CHROMO_EVAP_RM_V2 Chromospheric Evaporation During Solar Flares - V2 Flare
QS_diagnostic_HI Quiet Sun, 50min cadence, detailed raster, *HI data rate* Quiet Sun
PRY_footpoints_HI High cadence study for loop footpoints Active Region
PRY_slot_context Large format, general purpose 40" slot raster Active Region
DRW001_HI_BRT_V2 Five-arcsecond rapid scan for TR and coronal brightenings (H. Isobe) (V2, 30s) Quiet Sun
Romano_v2 Active filaments (DPCM) V2 Eruptive Filament
Romano Active Filaments Eruptive Filament
kpd01_qs_slit_60s_v2 kpd01 qs 1slit 55stp 1ac 60s v2 Quiet Sun
SYNOP004_400x400_30 SYNOP004 400x400 30 Active Region
IUU_SLOT_148X400 Slot imaging, 70s cadence, 148x400 FOV. Active Region
KM_FULLCCD_128x256 KM FULLCCD 128x256 1slit 80sec Quiet Sun
KM_FULLCCD_128x512 KM FULLCCD 128x512 1slit 80sec Quiet Sun
madj_ech ECH boundaries Coronal Hole
madj_ech_small ECH boundaries small raster Coronal Hole
GDZ_PLUME1_2_300_50s GDZ PLUME1 Coronal Hole
dei_qs_80_slot40 Quiet Sun dynamics with slot Quiet Sun
dei_arq_240_slot40 Small AR dynamics with slot Active Region
dei_arb_24_slit2 AR dynamics with 2" slit Active Region
SK_CH1_70x512p SK CH1 70x512 45sec in sync with SUMER Coronal Hole
CHW_SNS2_SI003 CHW SNS2 SI003 Coronal Hole
CHW_Context2_SI004 CHW Context2 SI004 Coronal Hole
regeng024 PZT backward stepping part 2 Engineering
regeng023 PZT backward stepping part 1 Engineering
regeng022 PZT forward stepping part 2 Engineering
regeng021 PZT forward stepping part 1 Engineering
quiet_sun_studies_1 quiet sun study v2 Quiet Sun
quiet_sun_studies quiet sun study v2 Quiet Sun
quiet_sun_slot quiet sun study Quiet Sun
EUNIS_EIS_CrossCal EUNIS EIS Cross Calibration Quiet Sun
IUU_SLOT_SNS_AR_02 Sit-And-Stare 30s cadence SLOT movie. JPEG98. Extended linelist. Active Region
IUU_SLOT_SNS_AR_001 Sit-And-Stare 15s cadence SLOT movie. JPEG98. Active Region
IUU_SCAN_STEPS_001 Scan 30x512 area in 5 steps. 2" slit. Quiet Sun
AR_LIMB_V1 Active Region On Limb Study Active Region
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_H03 1" slit, FOV: EWxNS=200"x256", 10" step, 20 raster pos., 6 sec exp. [5 ras] Active Region
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_H11 1" slit, FOV: EWxNS=200"x256", 10" step, 20 raster pos., 6 sec exp. [2 ras], JPEG(Q=95) Active Region
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_H012 HH AR+FLR RAS H01 (EWxNS=240"x240", 5.0sec exp, different FMIR init. pos. for each raster) Active Region
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_H10 1" slit, FOV: EWxNS=200"x256", 10" step, 20 raster pos., 6 sec exp. [1 ras], DPCM Active Region
HH_SLOT266_JPEG_Q75 SLOT 266 Sit&Stare movie with 10 sec exp., 512 CCD height, Fe XII195, He II256, Fe XV284 Active Region
REC_TEST Recursive engineering test Quiet Sun
AR_velocity_map_v2 Detailed, large format active region map Active Region
Microflr+network_2 Solar microflares and network dynamics - relevance for coronal heating sns Active Region
Microflr+network_1 Solar microflares and network dynamics - relevance for coronal heating context Active Region
HPW008_FULLCCD_v2 HPW008 FULLCCD RAST 128x256 25s SLIT1 JPEG Active Region
HPW001_FULLCCD_v2 HPW001 FULLCCD RAST 128x456 90S SLIT1 JPEG Quiet Sun
SK_AR2_16x200p Ellerman bombs study 16"x200" with 2" slit Active Region
SK_AR2_12x200p Active region high cadence study 12"x200" with 2" slit Active Region
regeng015 MHC trace buffer dumps (28/May/12) Engineering
mhc_init Initialise the MHC (29-MAY-12) Engineering
regcal075 Dark exposures (0s, 0s, 100s, 100s) Engineering
SK_CH2_56x512 SK CH2 56x512 Coronal Hole
SK_CH1_55x512 SK CH1 55x512 Coronal Hole
COOL_AR_MOVIE_r100x1 AR Loop Movie With 40" Slot in Cooler Coronal Lines Active Region
Fe_Opacity_v2 Fe Opacity v2 Active Region
Fe_Opacity Fe Opacity Active Region
StA_loop St Andrews Loop Oscillations Active Region
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_H02 1" slit, FOV: EWxNS=200"x256", 10" step, 20 raster positions, 6sec exp. Active Region
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N02 1" slit, FOV: EWxNS=200"x256", 1" step, 200 raster positions, 6.0 sec exp. Active Region
HH_FWHM_CAL_Norikura 1"slit, FOV: EWxNS=180"x512", 3" step, 60 raster positions, 50sec exp. Active Region
PRY_footpoints_v2 Loop footpoints study - many cool lines plus coronal lines Active Region
ARdiagn_hcadrast AR temperature and density diagnostics - high cadence rasters Active Region
ARdiag_sns AR loop temperature and density analysis - sns Active Region
arm_loop_ne Loop electron density measurements Active Region
arm_line_width Off-limb line width measurements Coronal Hole
arm_fastslot_waves A search for fast magnetoacoustic waves in active region loops Active Region
CAM_ARTB_RHES_b_2_HI AR microflares and TR response - ** HIGH DATA RATE STUDY ** Active Region
DHB_DRW_001 Wide Slot Full FOV Fast Raster Coronal Hole
GDZ_DENS_20x240_ARL1 GDZ DENS 20x240 ARL1 2"slit Active Region
GDZ_360x288_AR_CONT2 GDZ 360x288 AR CONT2 2"slit Active Region
GDZ_SLOT_AR1_480x360 GDZ SLOT AR1 480x360 2"slit Active Region
CAM_ARTB_RHESSI_b_2 AR microflares and TR response - joint observations with RHESSI (v2) Active Region
regcal074 Dark exposures including overscan pixels Engineering
regcal073 Dark exposures (100s, 100s, 150s, 150s) Engineering
cam_qs_2as_velo Quiet Sun Network Brightening Velocity Quiet Sun
cam_qs_2as_context Quiest Sun Network Brightening Quiet Sun
cam_qs_40as_slot Quiet Sun Network Brightening Quiet Sun
SK_AR2_50x240p SK AR2 50x240p Active Region
SK_AR2_8x200p SK AR2 8x200p Active Region
SK_AR2_40x200i_NULL SK AR2 40x200i ss10 DONT USE Active Region
SK_AR40_movie SK AR40 movie Active Region
FILL001 FILL001 40arcsec 1arcsec 30s 90s Quiet Sun
SK_AR2_40x200i SK AR2 40x200i ss10 Active Region
SK_AR1_4x256p SK AR1 4x256p Active Region
SK_AR1_40x256i SK AR1 40x256i ss10 Active Region
chromo_evap_rm Chromospheric Evaporation During Solar Flares Flare
SK_AR2_32x200c SK AR2 32x200c Active Region
SK_AR1_50x320c SK AR1 50x320c Active Region
SK_AR1_31x256c SK AR1 31x256c Active Region
cmeo_slit_study CME onset slit study Active Region
cmeo_slot_study CMEO slot study Active Region
kpd01_qs_slot_60m kpd01 qs slot40 3stp 15as 60s 0rpt Quiet Sun
kpd01_qs_slit_60s kpd01 qs 1slit 55stp 1ac 60s Quiet Sun
Eclipse_raster1 Eclipse raster: takes 60percent of spectrum at enhanced data rate Active Region
QS_atlas_offlimb Off-limb quiet Sun spectral atlas; steps 10 arcsec, 21 positions Quiet Sun
default_htrs7_12 MHC heaters setting (post-eclipse), heaters 7 to 12, 2022/09/30 Engineering
default_htrs1_6 MHC heaters setting (post-eclipse), heaters 1 to 6, 2022/09/30 Engineering
SI002_HiCadence_AR SI002 HiCadence AR Active Region
gdz_off_limb1_60 Off limb study bottom of the ccd Engineering
coronal_wave_study coronal wave study Quiet Sun
IUU_SLOT_cntxt_QS_01 Quiet Sun context SLOT images. Quiet Sun
IUU_SLOT_cntxt_AR_01 Active Region context SLOT images. Active Region
HPW014_SLOT266_MOVIE HPW014 SLOT266 MOVIE Active Region
fil_rast_s2 Simple and quick 240 arcsec raster for studying filament and its environment with slit 2 Filament
regeng007 Fine mirror pzt test Engineering
CAM_ARTB_RHESSI_b_1 AR microflares and TR response - joint observations with RHESSI Active Region
CAM_ARTB_RHESSI_a_1 AR microflares and TR response - joint observations with RHESSI; CONTEXT raster Active Region
cam_artb_cds_c Active Region Transient Brightenings v2 Active Region
cam_artb_cds_b Active Region Transient Brightenings (40 arcsec) Active Region
cam_artb_cds_a Active Region Transient Brightenings Active Region
BP_SUMER_EIS_p2 BP SoHO/Hinode run part 2 Active Region
BP_SUMER_EIS_p1 BP SoHO/Hinode run part 1 Active Region
EE_SUM_EIS Explosive event study with EIS, SUMER and IBIS Quiet Sun
EE_SUMER_EIS_p2 EE study part 2 Quiet Sun
EE_SUMER_EIS_p1 EE study part 1 Quiet Sun
BL_SUMER_EIS_p2 Blinker study part2 Quiet Sun
BL_SUMER_EIS_p1 Blinker study part 1 Quiet Sun
inn_ar_dsk_rso01 slot across disk active region Active Region
dyn_network Energy transport and dynamics in/above chromospheric network Quiet Sun
inn_qr_dsk_sso03 sit n slot on quiet region Quiet Sun
BL_SUMER_EIS Blinker study Quiet Sun
CH_SUM_EIS WAVES in CHs, SUMER-EIS study Coronal Hole
EL_loop_plume_SUMER Diagnostics of polar plumes with SUMER Coronal Hole
EL_abund_plume_SUMER Abundances in polar plumes with raster and SUMER Coronal Hole
el_loop_diagn_sumer AR loop diagnostics with SUMER Active Region
el_abund_loop_sumer AR loop abundances with SUMER Active Region
madj_qs_slot Flows in the quiet Sun Quiet Sun
madj_ar_slot Flows in active region Active Region
EL_FULL_CCD_SINGLE Full EIS CCD readout at single position Active Region
EL_FULL_CCD_RASTER Full EIS CCD readout with 12"x512" FOV Active Region
inn_ar_lmb_sl03 Slot Raster above limb active region Active Region
inn_ar_cor_ra03 Raster in the corona above limb active region Active Region
inn_ar_lmb_ra01 Raster across limb active region Active Region
inn_ar_lmb_ss03 Sit n stare above limb active region Active Region
inn_ar_lmb_sr01 raster before sit stare above limb active region Active Region
SYNOP003 SYNOP003 150x 96y 45s 2arcsec fullCCD Quiet Sun
SYNOP002 SYNOP002 Quiet Sun
EE_SUMER_EIS EE study Quiet Sun
tr_bright Transition Region Brightenings Quiet Sun
SI001FullRast SI001 FULLCCD RAST Quiet Sun
JAK_40_AR_STUDY JAK 40 AR STUDY Active Region
JAK_256_AR_STUDY JAK 256 AR STUDY Active Region
GAD004_AR_slot15_SAS GAD004 AR slot15 SAS Active Region
GAD003_AR_slot30_SAS GAD003 AR slot30 SAS Active Region
Slot_raster Slot raster Quiet Sun
Alignment_266 Alignment slot 266 Quiet Sun
DRW001_HI_BRT_SCAN Five-arcsecond rapid scan for TR and coronal brightenings (H. Isobe) Quiet Sun
AR_spectral_atlas_3 Spectral Atlas 3, with slot context raster, 120x120, slit 2, 40s exposure Active Region
AR_velocity_map Detailed raster to produce active region velocity map in many lines; has slot context Active Region
Diag_40x180_s0_30s Detailed diagnostic study, with slot context. All regions, 30s exposures, slit 0 Active Region
PRY_fast_dens_v2 High cadence sit-and-stare in ARs (improved version of PRY fast dens) Active Region
TW_AR111 TW active regio iron study Active Region
TW_AR110 TW; active region study (1) Active Region
regcal000 Wavelength cal, QS, 1" slit, middle CCD rows Engineering
regcal013 Wavelength cal, AR, 266" slot Engineering
regcal012 Wavelength cal, AR, 40" slot Engineering
regcal011 Wavelength cal, AR, 2" slit Engineering
regcal010 Wavelength cal, AR, 1" slit Engineering
regcal009 Wavelength cal, AR, 266" slot Engineering
regcal008 Wavelength cal, AR, 40" slot Engineering
regcal007 Wavelength cal, AR, 2" slit Engineering
HH_LINE_WIDTH_CAL_01 Line width calibration with Slit0 (1"width) [EWxNS = 10"x512, 1"step raster, 30 Quiet Sun
VHH003_SLIT1_1H 30s sit and stare for quiet sun and active region oscillation study Active Region
VHH002_SLIT1_1H 50s sit and stare, meant for very quiet region oscillation studies Quiet Sun
VHH001_SLOT40_30M 40 arcsec slot study for waves and spicules with SOT (sit n stare) Quiet Sun
hh_linewidth_cal_01t Line width calibration with Slit0 (1" width) [EWxNS = 10"x512, 1"step raster, 30 and 120 sec exp.] t Engineering
hh_linewidth_cal_01b Line width calibration with Slit0 (1" width) [EWxNS = 10"x512, 1"step raster, 30 and 120 sec exp.] b Engineering
regcal006 Wavelength cal, AR, 1" slit Engineering
regcal005 Wavelength cal, QS, 266" slot Engineering
regcal004 Wavelength cal, QS, 40" slot Engineering
regcal003 Wavelength calibration, qs, 2" slit, full ccd middle Engineering
regcal002 Wavelength calibration, qs, 1" slit, full ccd top Engineering
regcal001 Wavelength calibration, qs, 1" slit, full ccd bottom Engineering
regcal068 Slot Image (40" and 266") - Active Region Raster Engineering
regcal067 Slot Image (40" and 266") - Quiet Sun Raster Engineering
regcal022 Pointing and Alignment (266" slot) Active Region Engineering
regcal020 Pointing and Alignment (266" slot) East Limb, North Pole Engineering
IUU_QS_SNS_001 Sit-and-Stare with wide temperature coverage. QS, BPs and loops. Quiet Sun
IUU_SLOT_Context_001 Context SLOT images Quiet Sun
HPW013_AR_RAS_23m HPW013 AR RAS 23m Active Region
HPW012_AR_SAS_060M HPW012 AR SAS 060M Active Region
HPW011_HR_AR_SAS HPW011 HR AR SAS 1x512 10s SLIT1 18WINDOWS Active Region
GAD002_AR_rast GAD002 AR rast Active Region
regeng020 QCMs 6 seconds measurement Engineering
HPW010_FULLCCD_SAS HPW010 FULLCCD RAST 40x128 25s SLIT40 Active Region
HPW009_FULLCCD_SAS HPW009 FULLCCD RAST 1x128 25s SLIT1 Active Region
HPW008_FULLCCD_RAST HPW008 FULLCCD RAST 128x128 25s SLIT1 Active Region
HH_FOV_Alignment Study for FOV alignment purpose with 266"-width slit Quiet Sun
PRY_loop_footpoints Cool lines for study of loop footpoints (e.g., near sunspot); 80" raster, 20 lin Active Region
PRY_fast_dens High cadence sit-and-stare in ARs; 5s exposure; Fe XIII dens; 40" context before Active Region
GAD001_AR_rast GAD001 AR rast Active Region
HPW004_QS_RAST_120m HPW004 QS RAST 120m Quiet Sun
HPW002_QS_SAS_060m HPW002 QS SAS 060m Quiet Sun
HPW007_QS_SLOTW_v2 HPW007 QS SLOTW 060m v2 Quiet Sun
HPW007_QS_SLOTW_060m HPW007 QS SLOTW 060m Quiet Sun
HPW006_QS_SLOT_120m HPW006 QS SLOT 120m Quiet Sun
HPW005_QS_SLOT_060m HPW005 QS SLOT 060m Quiet Sun
HH_QS_RAS_N01 HH QS RASTER (EWxNS=60"x120", 60sec exp, continuous raster from West to East) Quiet Sun
HH_QS_RAS_H01 HH QS RASTER (EWxNS=40"x120", 60sec exp, different FMIR init. pos. for each rast Quiet Sun
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N03 HH AR+FLR RAS N03 (EWxNS=240"x240", 5.0sec exp, continuous raster) Active Region
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_N01 HH AR+FLR RAS N01 (EWxNS=240"x240", 5.0sec exp, continuous raster) Active Region
HH_AR+FLR_RAS_H01 HH AR+FLR RAS H01 (EWxNS=240"x240", 5.0sec exp, different FMIR init. pos. for ea Active Region
SYNOP001 SYNOP001 40arcsec 1arcsec 30s 90s Quiet Sun
regcal072 Dark exposures, top CCD rows (100s exposures) Engineering
regcal071 Dark exposures, CCD bottom rows (100s exposures) Engineering
regcal070 Flat field with overscan pixels (50*8) Engineering
regcal019 Intensity calibration Engineering
regcal014 ADC offset Engineering
JTM006 JTM006 120exp 512y 90s slit1 ss Quiet Sun
JTM005 JTM005 120exp 512y 60s slit1 ss Quiet Sun
regcal018 Flat fields, long exposures Engineering
regcal017 Flat fields, short exposures Engineering
regcal016 Dark current, hot pixels and column defects Engineering
regcal015 Dark current, hot pixels and column defects Engineering
COMSCI_QS5 Spectral atlas and diagnostics of quiet Sun, to be run on disc and both east and west limbs Quiet Sun
COMSCI_QS4 Small spectral rasters for high-cadence observations of a network feature Quiet Sun
COMSCI_QS3 Detailed, high-cadence spectra at a fixed location in the quiet Sun Quiet Sun
COMSCI_QS2 Changing morphology of the quiet Sun at high (one-minute) cadence using the narrow slot Quiet Sun
COMSCI_QS1 Detailed diagnostics of two supergranular cells in the quiet Sun Quiet Sun
COMSCI_FLR2 Flare Evaporation - spectral imaging Flare
COMSCI_FLR1 Evaporation in a Flare - Fast Raster Flare
COMSCI_AR3 Accurate Measurement of Velocity Shifts in an Active Region Active Region
COMSCI_AR2 Active Region Scan for Global Changes and Dynamic Phenomena Active Region
COMSCI_AR1 Active Region Sit-and-Stare Hunt for Rapid Variability (neutral line, plage, sunspots and loops) Active Region
JTM004 JTM004 512x256 30s slit1 Quiet Sun
JTM003 JTM003 512x512 60s slit1 Quiet Sun
JTM002 JTM002 256x256 30s slit1 Quiet Sun
JTM001_2 JTM001 256x512 60s slit1 2 Quiet Sun
JTM001 JTM001 256x512 60s slit1 Quiet Sun
Test_study Test study 3 Active Region
default_study default study Quiet Sun

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Last Revised: 05-May-2011

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