This page (revision-16) was last changed on 07-Dec-2016 14:14 by JianSun

This page was created on 19-Jul-2007 12:47 by LouiseHarra

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
16 07-Dec-2016 14:14 17 KB JianSun to previous
15 10-Nov-2008 10:25 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
14 10-Nov-2008 10:21 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
13 10-Nov-2008 10:21 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
12 10-Nov-2008 10:21 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
11 10-Nov-2008 06:56 17 KB David R Williams to previous | to last
10 07-Nov-2008 10:03 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
9 05-Nov-2008 14:50 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
8 05-Nov-2008 14:49 17 KB JianSun to previous | to last
7 05-Nov-2008 14:04 7 KB JianSun to previous | to last
6 05-Nov-2008 14:02 8 KB JianSun to previous | to last
5 05-Nov-2008 12:52 8 KB JianSun to previous | to last
4 05-Nov-2008 12:24 4 KB JianSun to previous | to last
3 05-Nov-2008 12:20 4 KB JianSun to previous | to last
2 19-Jul-2007 13:53 2 KB LouiseHarra to previous | to last
1 19-Jul-2007 12:47 2 KB LouiseHarra to last

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At line 3 added 3 lines
(routines marked with %%(color:red;)red-color%% are in common use)
At line 4 changed one line __ : {{{
__%%(color:red;) : {{{
At line 15 changed one line
__eis_data~__getwindata.pro__ : {{{
__%%(color:red;) : {{{
At line 70 changed one line
__eis_get_wininfo.pro__ : {{{
__%%(color:red;) : {{{
At line 89 changed one line
__eis_getdata.pro__: {{{
__%%(color:red;) {{{
At line 111 changed one line
__eis_getmoments.pro__: {{{
__%%(color:red;) {{{
At line 116 changed one line
__eis_getwindata.pro__: {{{
__%%(color:red;) {{{
At line 122 changed one line
__eis_orbit_correction.pro__: {{{
__%%(color:red;) {{{
At line 133 changed one line
__eis_prep.pro__: {{{
__%%(color:red;) {{{
At line 195 added 300 lines
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; set eis colortable for velocity & width maps display
___eis_raster_fov.pro__: {{{
; PURPOSE : to calculate information about the field of view
; for an EIS raster
; EXAMPLE : IDL> d = eis_getwindata('eis_l0_20071221_001727')
; IDL> eis_raster_fov,d,scale,origin,fovx,fovy
; IDL> print,scale
; 1.00000 1.00000
; IDL> print,origin
; -32.9291 -79.1299
; IDL> print,fovx,fovy
; 128.000 184.000
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; Returns the mass (in grams or kilograms) of an element.
; IDL> Fe_mass = element2mass('Fe')
; IDL> print,Fe_mass
; 9.27339e-23
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; PURPOSE : Calculates the slit tilt as a function position
; along the CCD.
; EXAMPLE : dw = eis_slit_tilt(256,512,/short,locations=y)
; wvl = wvl - dw
; plot,y,dw
; d = eis_getwindata(file,wave)
; dw = eis_slit_tilt(d,locations=y)
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; PURPOSE : PRELIMINARY EIS wavelength corrections for
; orbital variations and slit tilt using moments.
; EXAMPLE : IDL> eis_wave_corr,file,wvl_corr,dw_tilt,dw_t,/show
; IDL> d.wvl = d.wvl - wvl_corr[i,j]
__eis_width2velocity.pro__: {{{
; Compute thermal and nonthermal velocities.
; Some example thermal widths:
; v_t = eis_width2velocity('C','II',1335,/thermal,ti_max=t,therm_fwhm=fwhm)
; ion wave A temp K fwhm A
; C II 1335.00 2.2e+04 0.041
; C IV 1548.00 1.1e+05 0.105
; N V 1238.00 1.8e+05 0.101
; O I 1355.00 1.0e+04 0.024
; O IV 1401.00 1.7e+05 0.102
; Si II 1304.00 1.4e+04 0.021
; Si III 1206.00 3.0e+04 0.028
; Si IV 1393.00 6.3e+04 0.047
; S I 1472.00 1.0e+04 0.019
; Compare with Feldman, Doschek, and Patterson, ApJ, 209:270-281, 1976
; An example nonthermal velocity:
; v_nt = eis_width2velocity('S','I',1900.29,0.04,ti_max=t)
; v_nt = 3.0 km/sec
; t = 10,000 K
; Compare with Mariska, Feldman, and Doschek, ApJ, 226:698-705, 1978
__eis_add_wd_to_spec.pro__: {{{
; This routine takes an EIS spectrum structure and fills in the
; intensity, error and quality tags using the input EIS_GETWINDATA
; structure and a pixel mask.
__eis_adjust_mask.pro__: {{{
; Because of the grating tilt and CCD offset in the EIS
; instrument, the same pixel position in an EIS image formed from
; one wavelength will not directly correspond to the same pixel
; position in an image from a different wavelength. For this
; reason a pixel mask generated with EIS_PIXEL_MASK needs to be
; adjusted when being used for another wavelength.
; This routine performs the adjustment using information from the
; routine EIS_CCD_OFFSET.
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; Evaluates the spatial offset of the specified wavelength relative
; to He II 256.
; IDL> offset=eis_ccd_offset(195.12)
; IDL> l=findgen(120)+170
; IDL> plot,l,eis_ccd_offset(l)
__eis_cubic_spline.pro__: {{{
; Creates an optimised cubic spline fit to the orbital variation of EIS
; emission line centroids. The spline is used by eis_orbit_spline to
; perform the orbital variation correction to the output of eis_auto_fit.
__eis_fit_viewer.pro__: {{{
; Widget-based routine for studying the Gaussian fits produced by
__eis_flag_night.pro__: {{{
; Takes the fit structure from eis_auto_fit and estimates which
; data-columns fall into orbital night. Any columns identified are set
; to missing data in the fitdata data arrays, and the new structure is
; returned.
__eis_get_hdr_struc.pro__: {{{
; This routine extracts selected information from an EIS data header
; into a structure. The particular fields taken from the header are
; defined in the file $SSW/hinode/eis/idl/atest/pyoung/headcat_tags.txt.
__eis_make_image.pro__: {{{
; Given a level-1 FITS file name and a wavelength, this routine
; creates an image at the specified wavelength by summing 7 pixels
; across the line profile.
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; Takes the centroid tag from the output of the EIS_AUTO_FIT
; routine and computes a fit to the orbital variation. The velocity array
; is averaged in the Y-direction (see the keyword YRANGE=), and a cubic
; spline is fit to the averaged function (see the routine
; EIS_CUBIC_SPLINE). The spline fit is then subtracted from the centroid
; array to give the corrected centroid array. The velocity array is also
; corrected by converting the centroid to km/s.
__eis_pixel_mask.pro__: {{{
; This is a mouse-based routine that requires for input an image
; array. The image is displayed and a `menu' will appear in the
; IDL window. The options are:
; LEFT: Go into `polygon' mode
; MIDDLE: Go into `painting' mode
; RIGHT: Exit
__eis_mask_spectrum.pro__: {{{
; Using a pixel mask created with EIS_PIXEL_MASK, this routine
; averages the EIS spectra over the specified spatial pixels to
; create an averaged spectrum. The error bars on the intensities
; are correctly calculated.
; IDL> eis_mask_spectrum, l1name, mask, swspec=swspec, lwspec=lwspec'
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; Corrects the eis_auto_fit fit structure for the tilt of the EIS slit.
; Both the 1" and 2" slits are accounted for.
__eis_winwvl_hdr.pro__: {{{
; For the specifed wavelength window in an EIS data object, this routine
; returns the wavelength vector for the window.
__errors.pro__: {{{
; Given two line intensities/fluxes and their 1-sigma errors,
; calculates the ratio and the 1-sigma error on the ratio.
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; Takes the Fe XII 195 and 186 fit structures produced by eis_auto_fit,
; and creates a density structure containing a density map. The densities
; are derived used the CHIANTI atomic database.
__spec_gauss_eis.pro__: {{{
; This routine is a 'wrapper' for calling the general purpose
; line fitting routine SPEC_GAUSS_WIDGET. For creating the input
; spectrum in the correct format, try using the routine
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; Searches if a specific wavelength is within the wavelength
; range of observation of the rasters in the EIS database.
; Example:
; Look for 195.33:
; IDL> acronyms=eis_find_lineraster(195.33,summary=summary,rasters=rasters,lines=lines)
!!Quicklook tools
; XFILES is used to select data files from data bases. It reads
; data from many data sources. The user can also specify own
; data sources, in which case data-read procedures must be
; provided. XFILES defines the data objects, header objects and
; auxiliary objects and sends them to XDISPLAY. The XDISPLAY
; window is opened when the user selects a data file in XFILES.
__xmap.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XMAP is used to display 2-D (or higher) data. It is a
; widget based program with several options and functions that
; allows data to be displayed in a nukmber of modes.
__xcontrol.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XCONTROL is the main QL control window. After selecting a file (CCSDS or
; FITS) this windows opens with information about the data, and control
; buttons etc. for the various display methods and data processing
; options available for a particular set of data.
__xdetector.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XDETECTOR is used to display 2-D (or higher) data. It is a
; widget based program with several options and functions that
; allows data to be displayed in a nukmber of modes.
__xraster.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XRASTER is used to display 3-D spectroscopic data in the form
; of a raster (i.e. intensity[lambda, slit pos, raster pos.].
; One line is displayed as I[lambda, slit pos] with one display window
; for each raster (using !p.multi). If more than one line, these
; are added as extra rows of display windows.
__xwhisker.pro__: calling by only {{{
; xwhisker is used to display 2-D spectroscopic data as whisker plots
; (images). I.e. Intensity[wavelength, y].
; Typically y will be solar_x (for a raster) or
; for sit-and-stare observations it will be time.
__xmoment.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XMOMENT plots mean line profile, and has interactive mouse
; functions to mark where the line is (start/stop pixels) and
; where the continuum is. This information is used by the
; eis_moment__moment program to calulate moments of the line
; profile.
__ximovie.pro__: calling by only {{{
; XIMOVIE provides a widget interface to run and control
; images displayed as a movie. The images must be written
; as an assoc file.
!!Other useful routines
__%%(color:red;) {{{
; Purpose : widget interface to EIS AS-RUN catalog
; Syntax : IDL> eis_cat
__eis_search_rasters.pro__: {{{
; PURPOSE : To search the EIS raster database
; EXAMPLE : eis_search_rasters