This page (revision-23) was last changed on 07-Dec-2016 14:14 by Administrator

This page was created on 27-Jan-2009 09:16 by David R Williams

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
23 07-Dec-2016 14:14 7 KB Administrator to previous
22 07-May-2009 15:55 7 KB JianSun to previous | to last
21 04-Mar-2009 08:11 7 KB David R Williams to previous | to last

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At line 1 added 9 lines
!!!Instrument status
!!Hinode status
!S-band situation
* downlink stations
* typical operating rates and volumes
* flexibility
* co-observing with other instruments
At line 11 added 58 lines
!Eclipse seasons (inc. adjustments for EIS, and what we've done in the software to include them)
* as implemented
* access to calibration data for those interested
!!Model for operations
* this is mostly for the uninitiated, which means a lot of them
* would be good to think of this as an advertising opportunity for the next section, too...
!!Remote operations
!How it's achieved
!How to participate
!...and freedoms!
!!!Data access
!!Ways to get at the data (with video tutorials)
* Give web access to participants so they can try it themselves?
* Post the video tutorials (well) ahead of time so people can practise it themselves
!!!Software for handling data (with examples shown)
!Effects handled:
* by default
* and optionally
Need the documentation in the software headers to be up-to-date!
!!Contributed software
* Invite abstracts (under key headings?)
* I think it would be good to have a keynote speaker for each session or an introduction by someone that paints the current state-of-the-art and problems, and puts an onus on people to answer these questions in their talks. They don't need to be from the old guard, either. Some youngsters who know what they're talking about would be better.
* Would be good to hand such a brief out to people before-hand, of course, so they're not caught on the hop (no pun intended).
* We'd also agree these briefs before they were sent out to the other speakers
!!Solar wind connectivity
!!Flares and CMEs
!build-up phase
!impulsive & gradual phases
!!Quiescent active regions
!flows within them
!flows from them (some overlap with solar wind)
!connectivity with surrounding structures
!!Quiet Sun behaviour
!in the absence of active regions
!We have abundant observations of these
!!Coronal holes
!!Discussion of Science Results in the broader context
* requires a summary:
* could get the session leader to take some notes on how well the questions they raised have been answered. Not as a punitive or humiliation exercise, just to try and point us in the right direction for the next year or so.
* Could be fun to issue science action items as "ideas" for further work, not as requirements, but as discussion-based suggestions.