This page (revision-14) was last changed on 18-Apr-2021 19:19 by Peter Young

This page was created on 27-Nov-2007 12:30 by LouiseHarra

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 18-Apr-2021 19:19 2 KB Peter Young to previous
13 18-Mar-2009 15:38 2 KB David R Williams to previous | to last
12 18-Mar-2009 15:37 2 KB David R Williams to previous | to last
11 18-Aug-2008 16:58 2 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
10 10-Dec-2007 16:29 922 bytes Ignacio Ugarte-Urra to previous | to last
9 10-Dec-2007 16:25 923 bytes Ignacio Ugarte-Urra to previous | to last
8 27-Nov-2007 13:57 730 bytes LouiseHarra to previous | to last
7 27-Nov-2007 13:06 559 bytes LouiseHarra to previous | to last
6 27-Nov-2007 13:05 559 bytes LouiseHarra to previous | to last
5 27-Nov-2007 12:48 529 bytes LouiseHarra to previous | to last
4 27-Nov-2007 12:46 361 bytes LouiseHarra to previous | to last
3 27-Nov-2007 12:42 349 bytes LouiseHarra to previous | to last
2 27-Nov-2007 12:41 328 bytes LouiseHarra to previous | to last
1 27-Nov-2007 12:30 281 bytes LouiseHarra to last

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This is where we will collect all publications using EIS data. Please add your publications and share them with everyone!
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!!!EIS Publications
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Publication lists and citation information are very important for demonstrating the value of EIS to the Solar Physics community, and thus it is important that the EIS team are aware of any papers you have written.
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* Coronal dimming observed with Hinode: outflows related to a coronal mass ejection by Harra, Hara, Imada, Young, Williams, Sterling, Korendyke, Attrill, PASJ, in press, 2007 []
An up-to-date list of publications, including papers in press, is available at the [MSSL Science Centre|]. To add your paper to this list, please contact the instrument PI, Louise Harra, with the title, author list and journal of your paper.
Another source is the publications summary available at:
which is created through a semi-automatic method linked to the ADS system that extracts citation information for all papers as well as the country of origin of the papers.
To ensure your paper gets found by the latter method please do either (or preferably both) of the following:
* cite the instrument paper [Culhane et al. (2007)|];
* put in the abstract the phrases "Hinode/EIS" or "EUV Imaging Spectrometer".
It can take some time for a paper to appear in the ADS system (and thus appear in the above publication summary) so to give early notice to the EIS team of your new work you can do one or more of the following:
* post the paper to astro-ph either when you submit the paper to a journal, or when the paper has been accepted. As astro-ph is linked to ADS, then the paper will show up in the EIS publications summary quickly.
* e-mail Louise Harra with the title, author list and journal of your paper so that it can be added to the MSSL list.
* add your paper to the list maintained at the bottom of this page.
If you write a paper that makes use of Hinode data you should add the following lines in the Acknowledgements section of the paper:
"Hinode is a Japanese mission developed and launched by
ISAS/JAXA, with NAOJ as domestic partner and NASA and
STFC (UK) as international partners. It is operated by
these agencies in co-operation with ESA and NSC (Norway)."
It is also recommended that you cite the paper that describes the Hinode mission, [Kosugi et al. (2007)|], in the text of your article.