MSSL Data Archive User Guides: EIS Level-2 fits file
EIS Level 2 data provides a quick look first cut at the velocities.
Since this is an automated process it is not recommended that you use this for detailed scientific work,
but merely as a quick-look to determine if there is anything interested in the data sets such as large velocities.
You can obtained the level 2 data and have a look at it online. The level 2 data is produced only for 1" and 2" slit data.
EIS level-2 fits file is generated from level-1 data, so it has same structure (header and data cube) with level-1 data. The user could use conventioanl EIS routine to extract
fits header and data cube out from level-2 fits file.
For example:
IDL> eis_getdata,
"level-2 filename", wd, (iwin = iwin, /all, hdr = hdr, /ccsds)
will give you datacube "wd", which include Intensity, Velocity and Line-width information about this fits file.
The velocity map and width map are stored in the first and second slices of the datcube along Solar-X direction! Sum the left slices together will
give out the total intensity map. This is illustrated in the following cartoon figure !
A short tutorial
How to extract Intensity, Velocity and Width map from eis_level2 fits data?
- First get an eis level-2 fits file from MSSL data archive, for example, eis_l2_20061217_161527.fits.gz (which shows nice loop on the limb).
- There are two ways to extract the datacube which is contained in this fits file: using conventional "eis_getdata" routines and using "object" routines.
- "eis_getdata" routine:
IDL> sf='eis_l2_20061217_161527.fits.gz'
IDL> eis_getdata, sf, wd,/all
IDL> help,wd
WD UINT = Array[24, 256, 256, 9]
- To get velocity, width and intensity maps:
;this gives you a datacube only for FeXII 195.12
IDL> line04_Fe195=wd[*,*,*,4]
;this gives you velocity map
IDL> line04_Fe195_vel=line04_Fe195[0,*,*]
;this gives you width map
IDL> line04_Fe195_wid=line04_Fe195[1,*,*]
;this gives you intensity map
IDL> line04_Fe195_int=total(line04_Fe195[2:*,*,*],1)
- To show these images, using:
;load velocity color table
IDL> load_vel
;show velocity map (figure A)
IDL> plot_image,rotate(reform(line04_Fe195_vel),1),$
;show width map (figure B)
IDL> plot_image,rotate(reform(line04_Fe195_wid),1),$
;load RED TEMPERATURE color table
IDL> loadct,3
;show intensity map (figure C)
IDL> plot_image,rotate(reform(line04_Fe195_int),1),$
These figures shown here are a little different from the real velocity. width and intensity maps.
This is because that the returned data cube from "eis_getdata" routine is "UINT" datatype, however, the original datacube is "FLOAT" datatype.
- A better way: using EIS "object" routines
IDL> sf='eis_l2_20061217_161527.fits.gz'
;create EIS object
IDL> data=obj_new('eis_data',sf)
;see how many lines in
IDL> print,data->getnwin()
;get line 4 (FeXII 195.12) datacube
IDL> data->getwin,4,wd
IDL> help,wd
WD FLOAT = Array[24, 256, 256]
;please notice wd now is FLOAT datatype!
- To get velocity, width and intensity maps:
;assign wd to line04_Fe195 datacube
IDL> line04_Fe195=wd
;this gives you velocity map
IDL> line04_Fe195_vel=line04_Fe195[0,*,*]
;this gives you width map
IDL> line04_Fe195_wid=line04_Fe195[1,*,*]
;this gives you intensity map
IDL> line04_Fe195_int=total(line04_Fe195[2:*,*,*],1)
- To show these images, using:
;load velocity color table
IDL> load_vel
;show velocity map (figure D)
IDL> plot_image,rotate(reform(line04_Fe195_vel),1),$
;show width map (figure E)
IDL> plot_image,rotate(reform(line04_Fe195_wid),1),$
;load RED TEMPERATURE color table
IDL> loadct,3
;show intensity map (figure F)
IDL> plot_image,rotate(reform(line04_Fe195_int),1),$
- For Intensity map, the current unit is : "erg/cm2/s/sr/Ang", user needs the spectral dispersion to convert the unit to "erg/cm2/s/sr"
;dispersion, detector A (long wavelength)
disp.a = 0.022332
;dispersion, detector B (short wavelength)
disp.b = 0.022317
- EIS level-2 data is generated from level-1 data by 'moment' calculation.
However, the datacubes inside level-2 fits file are clean, de-biased, and cosmic-ray-removed data,
So user could apply his/her own velocity & width calculation programs, eg. using Gaussin fitting, to suit special demands.
Last Revised: Monday, 24-Jul-2006
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