Hinode/EIS Nuggets – Archive

Welcome to the MSSL Hinode/EIS Nuggets Archive.

On this page you can find EIS nuggets on date order basis.

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  • New Ribbon

    2024 June   

    Teia Mihailescu (UCL/MSSL)

    Intriguing Plasma Composition Pattern in a Solar Active Region: a Result of Non-Resonant Alfven Waves? …

  • 2024 May   

    Dave Long (DCU)

    Identifying Plasma Fractionation Processes in the Chromosphere using IRIS …

  • 2024 April   

    Deb Baker (UCL/MSSL)

    Searching for evidence of subchromospheric magnetic reconnection on the Sun …

  • 2023 July   

    Dr. Andy To (UCL/MSSL)

    Understanding the Relationship between Solar Coronal Abundances and F10.7 cm Radio Emission …

  • 2021 November   

    Yajie Chen, Hui Tian, Xianyu Liu (Peking University) and Wenxian Li, Xianyong Bai (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

    Forward Modeling of Solar and Stellar Coronal Magnetic-field Measurements Based on a Magnetic-field-induced Transition in Fe X …

  • New Ribbon

    2021 November   

    Jae-Ok Lee

    Comparison of Off-limb Hinode/EIS and CoMP Doppler Velocities and Nonthermal Line Widths …

  • New Ribbon

    2021 October   

    Steph Yardley

    High velocity upflows in solar active regions…

  • New Ribbon

    2021 September  

    Teia Mihailescu

    Upflows induced by magnetic reconnection above an erupting flux rope…

  • New Ribbon

    2021 August  

    Andy To

    The evolution of plasma composition during a solar flare…

  • New Ribbon

    2020 November   

    David Stansby

    Comparing coronal and solar wind elemental fractionation…

  • New Ribbon

    2020 October   

    Enrico Landi

    Hinode/EIS Measurements of Active Region Magnetic Fields…

  • New Ribbon

    2020 September   

    Ryan French

    Dynamics of Late-Stage Reconnection in the 2017 September 10 Solar Flare…

  • New Ribbon

    2020 August   

    Kyoung-Sun Lee et al

    A Solar Magnetic-fan Flaring Arch Heated by Nonthermal Particles and Hot Plasma from an X-Ray Jet Eruption…

  • 2020 July   

    Yumia Bamba - Institute for Advanced Research/Nagoya Universityn

    EIS observed indicators of push-mode magnetic reconnection…

  • New Ribbon

    2020 June   

    Juraj Lörinčík, Jaro Dudík, Guilio del Zanna, Elena Dzifčáková, Helen Mason

    Quantifying the Departure from Maxwellian…

  • New Ribbon

    2020 April   

    Allan Macneil

    Active Region Modulation of Coronal Hole Solar Wind…

  • New Ribbon

    2020 March   

    Deb Baker, Gherardo Valori, Marco Stangalini

    Insight into how plasma is fractionated in the chromosphere…

  • 2018 May   

    Susanna Parenti

    Spectroscopy of very hot pasma in non-flaring parts of a solar limb active region: spatial and temporal properties …

  • 2018 April   

    David Long

    Plasma evolution within an erupting coronal cavity …

  • 2018 March   

    Harry Warren

    Spectroscopic observations of current sheet formation and evolution in X8.3 flare …

  • 2018 February   

    Jeff Brosius

    Explosive chromospheric evaporation and warm rain in a C3.1 flare …

  • 2018 January   

    Louise Harra

    See how to get Doppler velocities using EIS slot observations …

  • New Ribbon

    2017 May   

    Eduard Kontar

    Plasma turbulence and the standard solar flare model …

  • New Ribbon

    2017 January   

    Natasha Jeffrey

    Measuring solar flare non-Gaussian velocities using EIS spectroscopy …

  • New Ribbon

    2016 December   

    Jeffrey Brosius, Andrew Inglis, Adrian Daw

    Quasi-Periodic Fluctuations and Chromospheric Evaporation in a Solar Flare …

  • New Ribbon

    2016 November   

    Petros Syntelis

    Plasma diagnostics prior to CME eruptions …

  • 2016 May   

    The Hinode/EIS Team

    Mercury transit observed by Hinode/EIS …

  • 2016 January   

    Kyoung-Sun Lee, David H. Brooks, Shinsuke Imada

    Photospheric abundances of polar jets on the Sun observed by Hinode …

  • 2015 August   

    C. Guennou, M. Hahn, D. Davin

    Relative abundances in plumes and interplumes …

  • 2015 July   

    David Shelton, Louise Harra, Lucie Green

    Atmospheric Response of an Active Region to new Small Flux Emergence …

  • 2015 April   

    Peter Young

    The discovery of dark jets in the solar atmosphere …

  • 2015 January   

    Dave Long

    Estimating the energy of a global 'EIT wave' …

  • 2014 December   

    Srividya Subramanian

    Emission measure distribution for diffuse regions in solar active regions.…

  • 2014 October   

    Hui Fu, Lidong Xia, Bo Li, Zhenghua Huang, Fangran Jiao and Chaozhou MouLen

    Measurement of outflow velocities in on-disk plumes from EIS/Hinode observations.…

  • New Ribbon

    2014 September   

    Len Culhane

    Tracking Solar Active Region Outflow Plasma from its Source to the near-Earth Environment.…

  • New Ribbon

    2014 January   

    Michael Hahn and Daniel Wolf Savin

    Evidence that Waves Heat Coronal Holes.…

  • 2013 November   

    Jeff Brosius

    Rapid Evolution of the Solar Atmosphere During a Microflare Observed with EIS: Hints of Chromospheric Magnetic Reconnection…

  • 2013 October   

    Imada S., Aoki K., Hara H., Watanabe T., Harra L. K., and Shimizu T.

    Clear Evidence for Hot Fast Flow above a Solar Flare Arcade…

  • 2013 September   

    Louise Harra, Sarah Matthews, J. L. Culhane, Mark Cheung, E. Kontar, Hiro Hara

    Location of non-thermal velocity in the early phases of a large flare - revealing the pre-eruption flux rope? .....…

  • 2013 July   

    (by J.T. Schmelz and S. Pathak (University of Memphis)

    The Cold Shoulder: Emission Measure Distributions of Active Region Cores .....…

  • 2013 May   

    (by David Long (UCL/MSSL), David Williams (UCL/MSSL), Stéphane Régnier (UCLan), Louise Harra (UCL/MSSL)

    Using EIS to measure the coronal magnetic field.....…

  • 2013 February   

    (by Pascal Démoulin (Observatoire de Paris, LESIA), Deb Baker (UCL/MSSL), Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi (UCL/MSSL), and Cristina Mandrini (IAFE)

    What can we deduce from the 3D geometry of AR upflows?.....…

  • 2013 January   

    (by Hui Tian (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)

    Solar mass eruptions such as CMEs and EUV jets have rarely been investigated with spectroscopic observations.....…

  • 2012 November   

    (by Jeff Brosius (Catholic University of America/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

    Episodic Chromospheric Evaporation in Flare Loop Strands Observed with EIS.....…

  • 2012 October   

    (by Louise Harra (UCL/MSSL) and Valentyna Abramenko (BBSO/NJIT))

    Non-thermal response of the corona to the magnetic flux dispersal in the photosphere of a decaying active region.....…

  • 2012 September   

    (by Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi, Deb Baker, and Lucie Green (UCL/MSSL) )

    Plasma outflows from active regions: are they sources of the slow solar wind?…

  • 2012 July   

    (by by Dave Williams and Lucie Green, MSSL)

    Venus Transit 2012…

  • 2012 June   

    (by Costis Gontikakis,Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Academy of Athens)

    How to compute active region loop inclinations, using the Doppler shifts measured along their length.....…

  • 2012 May   

    Blinkers: what is their true nature?

    (by Srividya Subramanian, Armagh Observatory)

    The aim of the present study is to identify the true nature of the transient EUV brightenings, called blinkers…

  • 2012 April   

    How line widths depend on temperature as well as location

    (by David Williams, UCL- Mullard Space Science Laboratory)

    One of the interesting things we're able to do with EIS is to examine line profiles in the corona.…

  • 2012 March   

    Interaction beteen EIT wave and upflow region

    (by Feng Chen, School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University)

    EIT waves appear as propagating diffuse bright fronts in the difference EUV images. It is believed that they are strongly related to coronal mass ejections (CMEs).…

  • 2012 February   

    The EIS flare catalogue 1 year anniversary

    (by Jian Sun, Lucie Green and Deb Baker, UCL-MSSL )

    The current solar cycle, cycle 24, was slow to start but in 2011 a rapid rise in the sunspot number occurred which brought about more solar activity. To facilate finding solar flares that have been observed by the partial-Sun EIS observations, an EIS flare catalogue was established in February 2011 …

  • 2012 January   

    Spectroscopic Precursor to a CME

    (by Deb Baker, Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi and Lucie Green, UCL-MSSL)

    Coronal mass ejections are eruptions of plasma and magnetic field from low in the Sun's atmosphere. They act as a valve to release magnetic energy from the Sun's atmosphere and are the major driver of space weather events. Theoretical and observational developments …

  • 2011 December   

    EIS observations of an X-class flare

    (by Lucie Green and Deb Baker, UCL-MSSL)

    2011 saw a dramatic upturn in the sunspot number with a corresponding increase in solar flare activity. This included the first X-class flare of the current solar cycle (cycle 24) which occurred on 15 February 2011. As of the time of writing, a total of eight X-class flares …

  • 2011 November   

    Sunspot light-bridges - a bridge from the photosphere to the corona?

    (by Sarah A. Matthews, UCL-MSSL)

    Light-bridges are bright lanes of material that divide the umbra. They are often observed during the break-up of sunspots and therefore can represent the re-establishment of convection. Their increased brightness suggests a higher temperature …

  • 2011 October   

    Five years of EIS observations

    (by Lucie Green, MSSL)

    This month's nugget celebrates five years of observations with the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode. On October 28th 2006, EIS made its first observations of the solar corona, marking the start of a new era in solar spectroscopy. …

  • 2011 September   

    NLFFF extrapolation of an emerging active region

    (by G. Valori, LESIA-Observatoire de Paris)

    Nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation was used to investigate the structure of the field at the time of the main emergence. Here, the extrapolation is based on an SOT/SP vector magnetogram obtained from the scan on 4 July 11:58-12:34 UT. …

  • 2011 August   

    Evidence of a Connection Between Active Region Outflows and the Solar Wind

    (by David H. Brooks, George Mason University and Harry P. Warren, Naval Research Laboratory)

    Hinode has revealed the presence of high temperature (few MK) outflows at the edges of many active regions. These outflows show velocities of tens of km/s and appear to persist for at least several days …

  • 2011 July   

    Temporal evolution of microflares in bright points

    (by Suguru Kamio, MPS)

    Recent observations by Hinode during the solar activity minimum revealed that quiet regions and coronal holes are not really quiet. X-ray bright points are found all over the Sun …

  • 2011 June   

    Contamination levels of EIS (as measured by QCM and LED flat-field intensity levels)

    (by Louisa Bradley, MSSL)

    As reported in a previous EIS nugget (Sensitivity Performance of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode, January 2011) the sensitivity loss …

  • 2011 May   

    Hinode observations and 3D magnetic structure of an X-ray bright point

    (by C. E. Alexander - University of Central Lancashire, UK, G. Del Zanna - University of Cambridge, UK, and R. C. Maclean - formerly of St Andrews University, UK)

    X-ray bright points (hereafter XBPs) are composed of small compact loops and are an ideal target to study with current instrumentation due to their compact size …

  • 2011 April   

    Large X-ray jet simultaneously observed by SUMER, EIS, XRT, and EUVI Ahead and Behind

    (by Maria S. Madjarska, Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland)

    The Hinode and STEREO satellites are now revealing, in unprecedented detail, one of the phenomena hidden from our view since the loss of the Yohkoh satellite: EUV/X-ray jets or jet-like events from coronal bright points …

  • 2011 March   

    Full Sun monochromatic images

    (by Ignacio Ugarte-Urra, George Mason University & Harry Warren, Naval Research Laboratory)

    While X-ray and EUV imagers take images at a cadence close to the characteristic evolutionary timescales of solar phenomena, narrow slit spectroscopy is better suited for many plasma diagnostics …

  • 2011 February   

    Determining the source of a magnetic cloud using a velocity difference method

    (by Louise Harra, UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory)

    For large eruptions on the Sun, it is often a problem that the core dimming region cannot be observed due to the bright emission from the flare itself. However, spectroscopic data can provide the missing information through the measurement of Doppler velocities …

  • 2011 January   

    Sensitivity performance of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode

    (by George Doschek, NRL SSD Code 7670)

    Scientists in the Space Science Division (SSD) of the Naval Research Laboratory have been studying the sensitivity of the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Japanese Hinode spacecraft …

  • 2010 December   

    EIS observations of a sigmoidal active region

    (by Lucie Green, UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory)

    Some active regions display a forward or reverse S structure when observed in soft X-ray or EUV emission. These regions are monitored for eruptive activity as they have a high likelihood of producing a coronal mass ejection …

  • 2010 November   

    Spectroscopic analysis of an EIT wave/dimming observed by Hinode/EIS

    (by Feng Chen, Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University)

    EUV waves were first observed by the EIT telescope onboard the SOHO satellite. They are best seen in the running difference images as bright fronts followed by an expanding dimming region, which is believed to be strongly related to coronal mass ejections (CMEs) …

  • 2010 October   

    EIS target practice: testing our Bright Point Trigger

    (by Peter Young, George Mason University)

    Usually when we observe a feature on the Sun with EIS, we need to decide 1-3 days in advance what we want to look at. It takes this long because the three Hinode instrument teams need to agree on what to observe …

  • 2010 September   

    Multi-wavelength observations of small-scale reconnection events triggered by magnetic flux emergence

    (by Salvo Guglielmino, Universitá di Catania; prepared by: Santiago Vargas Domínguez, MSSL)

    The interaction between emerging magnetic flux and pre-existing ambient field has become a "hot" topic for both numerical simulations and high-resolution observations …

  • 2010 August   

    Preparing EIS data using neural networks

    (by Suguru Kamio, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research)

    The Sun is the only star whose fine structure can be observed from the Earth. Resolving the structure and dynamics of the solar corona is crucial for understanding energy release processes such as flares. Due to this, the resolution of solar telescopes …

  • 2010 July   

    Response of the corona to the emergence of "serpentine" magnetic field

    (by Louise Harra, UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory)

    New flux emergence into a pre-existing active region clearly can have dramatic consequences, often producing flaring with hours of the flux appearing. The high resolution of the SOT data also shows the complexity of the flux as it emerges with the complex and small-scale positive/ negative (white/black) features appearing …

  • 2010 June   

    Velocity Characteristics of Evaporated Plasma

    (by Ryan Milligan, GSFC)

    Chromospheric evaporation is largely accepted to be the process by which solar flares achieve their high temperatures and densities. The standard flare model states that electrons are accelerated at or near a magnetic reconnection site in the corona and then travel along newly reconnected magnetic field lines toward the chromosphere …

  • 2010 May   

    EIS observations of pre-flare activity

    (by Alison Wallace, UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory)

    In this nugget we look at NOAA active region 10955 which emerged in the southern hemisphere on 6th May 2007 and showed some interesting flows before a GOES B-class flare …

  • 2010 April   

    Interchange reconnection along a coronal hole boundary?

    (by Deb baker, UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory)

    Coronal hole (CH) boundaries are the interface between a CH, where the field is dominantly "open" to interplanetary space, and the surrounding corona where the magnetic field is mainly closed. While CHs are long established to be a source of the fast solar wind …

  • 2010 March   

    The Weird and Wonderful World of Widths

    (by David Williams, UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory)

    EIS was designed as a spectrometer that would have good enough spectral resolution to be able to look at the detail of emission line profiles, and one of these details is the spectral line width …

  • 2010 Feburary   

    Find a flare observed with Hinode EIS

    (by Jian Sun and Louise Harra, UCL-Mullard Space Science Laboratory)

    The EIS flare catalogue was created and is maintained by the EIS team at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL). We realize that finding flare events with spectroscopic data is more challenging than simple imaging data … (watch Demo Movie)

Last Revised: 22-July-2011

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