This page (revision-132) was last changed on 18-Apr-2021 19:04 by JianSun

This page was created on 18-Apr-2007 17:40 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
132 18-Apr-2021 19:04 3 KB JianSun to previous
131 08-Jul-2010 15:35 4 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
130 06-Jul-2010 18:47 4 KB RonYurow to previous | to last
129 06-Jul-2010 16:24 4 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
128 06-Jul-2010 16:23 4 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
127 28-Jun-2010 19:33 4 KB RonYurow to previous | to last
126 28-Jun-2010 19:31 4 KB RonYurow to previous | to last
125 23-Jun-2010 19:47 4 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
124 14-Jun-2010 15:32 3 KB PeterYoung to previous | to last
123 20-May-2010 12:06 3 KB JianSun to previous | to last add one more link to EIS Spectral Atlases
122 20-May-2010 12:04 4 KB JianSun to previous | to last
121 20-May-2010 12:03 4 KB JianSun to previous | to last add link to EIS Spectral Atlases files

Difference between version and

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*[EIS Data Analysis Guide @ Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL)|]
*[EIS Data Analysis Guide @ Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL)|]
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An EIS FITS file is read into an IDL object with:
IDL> data=obj_new('eis_data',filename)
where 'filename' is the name of the level-1 file (a level-0 file can be read in the same way). Information can be extracted from the object via a large number of [object methods|EISmethods].
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*[Using the EIS Subversion Repository |EISRepository]
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*[Searching for EIS Studies on the Web |EIS_Web_Search]
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!EIS pointing and alignment issues
*[How do I get the most accurate EIS pointing information?|EISPointing]
*[How big is EIS's field of view?|EIS_FOV]
*[EIS Post-Launch FOV|EIS_XFOV]
*[Offset between CCDs in the y direction|CCDOffset]
*[Offset between CCDs in the x direction|CCDOffsetX]
*[EIS pointing stability|PointingStability]
*[Pointing Information in EIS fits files|FitsPointing]
*[Inter-instrument offsets for Hinode|InterInstrumentOffsets]
*[EIS internal coalignment|InterCo]
*[Grating tilt (spectrum rotation) and effect on line ratios|SpectralTilt]
*[Co-alignment of EIS to magnetograms]
!Slits & Slots
*[Slit “Focus”|SlitFocus]
*[Grating focus|gratingFocus]
*[The tilt of the EIS slit|TiltOfEISslit]
*[2" EIS Slit|2EISSlit]
*[Diagnostics with the slot|SlotDiagnostics]
*[Hot pixels|HotPixels]
*[Warm Pixels|EisWarmPixelsPage]
*[Removing cosmic rays|CosmicRays]
*[Top and bottom of hot/warm pixels maps|TopBottomHotWarmMaps]
*[How do hot and warm pixels affect line fitting?|WarmPixelStudy]
!Spatial Resolution
*[Estimating spatial resolution using observed features|TRbrightenings]
!JPEG Compression and EIS Spectral Line Profiles
*[The Impact of JPEG Compression on EIS Spectral Data |EISJPEG]
!Wavelength Scale
*[What's the "orbital variation of line position" about?|OrbitalVariationLinePosition]
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*Suguru Kamio has uploaded an [EIS spectral atlas|eis_atlas.pdf], using data from Charlie Brown's line list paper. Best suited to A0 paper, but readable as a PDF. \\Other resource of EIS Spectral Atlases can be found [here|] or directly access a few PS file: [Active region|];   [Quiet Sun|];   [Flare|]
*Suguru Kamio has uploaded an [EIS spectral atlas|eis_atlas.pdf], using data from Charlie Brown's line list paper. Best suited to A0 paper, but readable as a PDF. \\
     Other resource of EIS Spectral Atlases can be found [here|] or directly access a few PS file: [Active region|];   [Quiet Sun|];   [Flare|]\\